Donald Trump harshly criticized the Republican Senate leader and warned that he would support his own candidates in the party


El ex presidente Donald Trump junto a Mitch McConnell.  REUTERS / Brendan McDermid / file photo
El ex presidente Donald Trump junto a Mitch McConnell. REUTERS / Brendan McDermid / file photo

Donald Trump harshly criticized Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday and questioned his role in the party after lawmakers said the former US president was “Practically and morally responsible” for the assault on the Capitol on January 6.

“The Republican Party can never be respected or strong again with political ‘leaders’ like Senator Mitch McConnell at the helm,” Trump said in a scathing statement, calling on party members to withdraw support for McConnell because his leadership means “They won’t win anymore.”

Further, he pointed out that “his lack of political vision, intelligence, skill and personality” is responsible for the Republicans’ setbacks in the Upper House, so in due course. candidates who defend the slogan “Make America Great Again” and “America First” will be supporting candidates in the party primaries. In other words, those who consider that they are not aligned with him.

The next Republican Party interns are scheduled for November 2022.

FOTO DE ARCHIVO-El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, habla sobre la legislación de ayuda por el coronavirus, mientras el líder de la mayoría del Senado de Estados Unidos, Mitch McConnell, escucha en la Oficina Oval en la Casa Blanca in Washington, United States.  July 20, 2020. REUTERS / Leah Millis
FOTO DE ARCHIVO-El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, habla sobre la legislación de ayuda por el coronavirus, mientras el líder de la mayoría del Senado de Estados Unidos, Mitch McConnell, escucha en la Oficina Oval en la Casa Blanca in Washington, United States. July 20, 2020. REUTERS / Leah Millis

En el que fue su comentario más extenso sobre el escenario político desde que abandonó la Casa Blanca el pasado 20 de enero, Trump se atribuyó los logros electorales del partido en los últimos comicios -los republicanos ganaron bancas en la Cámara de Representantes- y el mérito about what McConnell would win another six-year term representing Kentucky, where the 78-year-old has served since 1984, and wielded great power as majority leader for the past six years.

My only regret is that McConnell “begged” for my strong support and approval from the great people of Kentucky in the 2020 election, and I gave it to him. “Trump said. “Without my support McConnell would have lost and lost a lot,” he added.

Trump and McConnell went their separate ways in the weeks following the November 3 presidential election, especially since McConnell acknowledged Democrat Joe Biden as the winner despite his unsubstantiated allegations of fraud.

The gap between them widened when McConnell told plenary on Saturday that Trump was “practically and morally responsible” for the murderous assault on Congress on January 6, even after having voted for his acquittal.

Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.  REUTERS / Al Drago
Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. REUTERS / Al Drago

The two are trying to push the party in opposite directions. Although he ended his term with a second political trial against him, Donald Trump’s popularity among the Republican base does not appear to have waned. According to various polls published this week, The mogul continues to have majority support among supporters of the current opposition, and with a very wide margin over other potential candidates in the 2024 presidential elections.

The brutal division the Republican Party faces over how to deal with the controversial ex-president has been exposed Impeachment trial that ended last weekend after 10 members of the House of Representatives and 7 senators voted to convict him.

After the January 6 riots, when a group of supporters of the former president tried to block the certification of election results, killing 5 people, the leader of the Republican caucus condemned the attempts of his colleagues to block the victory of Joe Biden, assuring that “denying it would plunge democracy into a death spiral”.

Mike Pence at the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States.  REUTERS / Brendan McDermid
Mike Pence at the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States. REUTERS / Brendan McDermid

“The voters, the courts, the states, they’ve all spoken. If we disavow them, it would harm the republic forever. This election was not unusually closeMcConnell said at a special session of Congress. In this way, McConnell stood alongside Vice President Mike Pence poles apart from President Donald Trump, who urged them to reject the results certified by the Electoral College and proclaim him the winner.

With information from AFP, Reuters


Majority of Republicans want Donald Trump to remain party leader following second impeachment acquittal

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