Donald Trump has chosen an Argentine friend to head the World Bank – 04/02/2019


President Donald Trump has already chosen his leadership candidate for the World Bank: according to official sources, he will propose to David Malpbad on Wednesday, a Treasury official who supports Argentina's economic reforms and this has strongly encouraged our country to obtain a loan from the International Monetary Fund last year.

Malpbad, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, is then the one who has all the badets to manage the largest credit institution in the world, whose goal is to reduce poverty in the world. He will replace Korean Jim Yong Kim, who resigned unexpectedly in early 2019, three years before the end of his term.

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Historically, it is the United States that chooses the head of this organizationbecause he is the biggest contributor. Although the dynamics have changed a bit lately because some nations can oppose it.

Since he is in the Treasury, Mr. Malpbad has met several times with the Minister of Economy, Nicolás Dujovne, in Washington and has consistently reaffirmed its support for the "market-oriented reforms" program promote growth. He praised the government's fiscal policies aimed at reducing the deficit and curbing inflation.

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When Argentina negotiated the loan with the IMF, this amount was raised to $ 57 billion last September.published several papers in which it "welcomed" the talks with the Fund and announced that the United States followed the case closely. The support of the United States was then essential the pending position has therefore been accepted because it is the country that has the greatest weight in terms of voting, because it is the one that contributes the most.

Malpbad will be officially proposed this Wednesday and other candidates could also participate in the process that will end on March 14th. But obviously, that is who has more chances. However, there is something that can work against you. In the past, he said that global organizations such as the World Bank "have developed a great deal and intrusively" and that "the challenge is to refocus them urgently and difficultly". These statements may complicate your vote.

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Prior to joining Trump's government, Malpbad was a tycoon's economic advisor during the 2016 presidential campaign. He had previously worked at Bear Sterns and Treasury under the Ronald Reagan administration.


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