Donald Trump Immigration Control Officer leaves office – 04/07/2019


US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned on Sunday because of the growing frustration of President Donald Trump's government. the large number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. The government's downsizing comes as badysts say their migration policies will tighten before the next elections, sources close to the White House said.

Kevin McAleenan, Commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection Bureau, will become interim director of the huge department of 240,000 employees, Trump said in a message sent to the Twitter network to confirm his resignation.

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McAleenan has been a border officer for some time, reflecting Trump's priority for this department originally founded to fight terrorism after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Nielsen went to the White House this afternoon to talk to Trump After the trip that they did together at the border, two people talked about the issue. They indicated that for a while she was frustrated by the difficulty of using other ministries to manage the growing number of families crossing the border.

Retirement Kirstjen Nielsen was one of the defenders of Trump's strict immigration program (Reuters).

Retirement Kirstjen Nielsen was one of the defenders of Trump's strict immigration program (Reuters).

Analysts who closely follow the policies of the White House believe that the departure of Nielsen will allow Trump to reorganize with greater severity in the immigration program, which was already very strict under the resigning official. The axis would be located in the need to show the government more effective in front of the sector of the electorate that demands changes at the border.

"National Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will step down, and I want to thank you for your service "Trump tweeted, referring to the resigning official, a front-line advocate of his government's controversial immigration policy.

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Nielsen joined the Trump administration in January 2017 as badistant secretary then, John Kelly. When Kelly left for the White House as chief of staff in July 2017, Nielsen looked like her second but two months later, she was back in the Department of Homeland Security, this time as secretary. There, he became the face of the government's anti-immigration policy, including the criticized practice of separating migrant children from their parents.

Other Times In October 2017, Donald Trump appointed Nielsen to head National Security (AFP).

Other Times In October 2017, Donald Trump appointed Nielsen to head National Security (AFP).

It has long been said that Nielsen's relationship with Trump has been difficult. But despite reports that the president was constantly complaining about his performance, the official remained loyal to the head of state. Last month he defended Trump's national emergency declaration guarantee funds for one of its flagship projects: the wall on the border between the United States and Mexico.

Last week, Nielsen called on Congress to act as quickly as possible against the migration crisis on the southern border of the country.

It lasts Photo Bank of the former Secretary of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen (AFP).

It lasts Photo Bank of the former Secretary of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen (AFP).

"We need obstacles, we have to keep families together in detention while a judge decides he has to remain an affair" in the country without having to release them by promising to appear before the court, "said Nielsen at a press conference at the border patrol post in Yuma.

The resigning official indicated that unaccompanied minors should be treated "all" in the same way, regardless of their nationality. At present, only Mexican or Canadian minors are sent back to their country of origin, while those from other countries, mainly from Central America, are sent to detention centers. during the period in which there is a guardian. In February, 75,000 immigrants were arrested at the border against 100,000 in March.

Sources: AFP, AP and EFE agencies


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