Donald Trump insisted on "the military option" in Venezuela and said he was refusing to meet Nicolás Maduro – 03/02/2019


International pressure on Nicolás Maduro is increasing day by day, with the United States leading the way. This Sunday, North American President Donald Trump repeated thatmilitary option"In the Caribbean country, it's a possibility and revealed that he had refused to meet the Chavista a few months ago.

"A few months ago he wanted to meet", badured Trump in an interview broadcast by the network CBS. The US president explained that he had decided to say "no" to Maduro's request because of "a lot of horrible things happening in Venezuela."

"It was," said Trump, "the richest country in this part of the world, which is a very important part of the world. now you look at poverty, you see anguish and you see the crime and all the things that are happening. So, I think the process is developing, there are huge, very, very big demonstrations. "

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Last week, Maduro said that I was ready to meet Trump in "private, in public, in the United States, in Venezuela or wherever he wants, with an open agenda, all the questions" that the White House wishes to address.

Trump also reiterated that the military option is still on the table: "Certainly, it's something that's in … it's an option"he said in the" Face the Nation "program.

In addition, without naming him, he congratulated the Speaker of the Parliament of Venezuela.Juan Guaidó, who, on January 23, proclaimed himself acting president of the country by considering illegitimate the inauguration of Maduro.

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"You have a young and energetic man and in this same group, you have very, very … if you want to talk about democracy, it's democracy in action", considered Trump.

Guaidó has appointed several ambbadadors, including his representative in the United States, Carlos Vecchioand Julio Borges, appointed representative of the Lima group, which brings together a dozen countries of the American continent.

Vecchio, Borges and other Guaidó representatives met this week in Washington with the US Vice President, Mike Penceand talked about the deployment of humanitarian aid.

The Trump government was the first to recognize Guaidó as interim president of Venezuela and, in response, Maduro cut off diplomatic relations with Washington.

With the information of the agencies.


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