Donald Trump insists on the wall in Mexico and the democrats at the crossroads – 03/10/2019


The American president, Donald Trump, plans to ask $ 8.6 billion in the 2020 budget to finance the wall that wants to build on the border with Mexico, said his economic adviser Larry Kudlow yesterday. Asked by Fox News about the expected congressional opposition of $ 8,600 million for the wall in the US press, Kudlow said, "I guess there will be."

According to Washington PostIn its budget for fiscal year 2020, which will be unveiled Monday, Trump wants to allocate $ 5,000 million to the Department of Homeland Security's budget and $ 3,600 million from the Pentagon to its anti-migration wall project to stop migration illegal.

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These funds would be added to the emergency funding of $ 6.7 billion planned in accordance with the "national emergency" declaration announced on February 15, a procedure that allows him to pbad the Congress to release funds.

Immediately, the leaders of the Democratic Party in the United States Congress went to a crossroads and asked Trump to include an $ 8,600 million post for the construction of a wall with Mexico in his next project budget. would cause a new closure of the government.

"President Trump has hurt millions of Americans and created widespread chaos when the government rudely shut the door to try to break through its expensive and ineffective wall. insists, "said Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in a statement.

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The joint declaration of the two Democrats is the result of several reports that the White House will include a $ 8,600 million game in its new budget proposal to Congress, to be presented Monday.

This amount would be well above the $ 1.375 million that Congress had approved for the border security post in the last budget and above the $ 5.7 million originally requested by the government last year. According to various local media, the new request would consider reducing the Department of Homeland Security's budget by $ 5,000 million, while the remaining $ 3,600 million would come from the start for the construction of the Department of Defense's facilities.

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In their statement, Pelosi and Schumer argue that Congress had already "refused" to finance the border wall and that the president had finally "been forced to acknowledge his defeat" and reopen the government. "I hope you learned your lesson," the note concludes. The lack of agreement in the negotiations on the current budget between Congress and the White House led Trump to refuse to sign the finance law, which led the country to a partial closure of the government that has lasted five weeks, the greatest history.


Source: AFP and AP


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