Donald Trump launched a measure that points to Huawei and deepens the crisis with China


The president of United States, Donald Trump, not allowed On Wednesday May 15th, companies from your country use telecommunications equipment from foreign companies, knowing that they may compromise national security, a move that seems to point China, with whom is at the heart of a "commercial cold war" after the announcement of the tariff increase.

Trump said "national emergency" to issue the decree that applies – without naming it directly – to Huawei, a Chinese company targeted for some time by the American authorities. This is at least what China understood, warning that this decision could further damage the trade relations between the two countries.

With the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, For months, the United States is conducting an offensive against Huawei, which they accuse of espionage on behalf of Beijing. In addition, he excluded the Chinese giant from the deployment of 5G technology, believing that this network would increase the risk of spying by connecting more objects, from vehicles to surveillance cameras.

Meanwhile, to explain the decision, the White House said it took this determination to protect the country from foreign opponents, who "increasingly create and exploit the vulnerabilities of the infrastructure and technology services of the country." 39, information and communications "in the United States".

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In this context, the presidential decree is based on the fact that there are supposedly "malicious" acts that are promoted by the Internet, including the "Economic and industrial espionage to the detriment of the United States and its people."

In response, the spokesman of China's Ministry of Commerce, Gao Feng, asked at a press conference that the United States avoids worsening relations between the two powers. "We urge the United States to put an end to its bad actions (…) in order to avoid further damage to the economic and trade relations between China and the United States," he said.

Huawei has denounced "Irrational restrictions" which interfere with their rights. The limitations imposed. they said "will not make the United States safer and stronger" but will be limited to "lower and more expensive alternatives".

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This is the most severe action taken by the Trump government against the rapidly developing Chinese technology sector, particularly in the emerging markets of Africa, Latin America and Asia. , and increases the commercial rivalry between Beijing and Washington. In this direction, Geng Shuang, A Chinese diplomat, accused Washington of using the "pretext of national security" to prevent Chinese companies from investing and gaining market share in the United States.

This new conflict exacerbates trade tensions between the two world economies, which are in conflict because they impose increasingly higher tariffs on imported products, which affects the global market and responds to announcements in particularly in Argentina, because an economy sensitive to the vagaries of the world market.



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