Donald Trump law firm withdraws from …


The law firm responsible for the trial of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, on allegations of electoral fraud during the presidential elections in the State of Pennsylvania, withdrew from the procedure, according to a document published by the newspaper The New York Times.

The decision of Porter Wright Morris and Arthur This comes after information from the same media revealed internal tensions within the company over its decision to work for the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania.

It is a key state in President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory, giving him the 20 votes needed by the Electoral College to reach the White House.

According to the New York Times, some employees revealed that they had tried to undermine the integrity of the electoral process for months before the November 3 election, and one of the lawyers resigned in protest.

The company, based in Columbus, Ohio, received at least $ 727,000 in honoraria from the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, according to information reproduced by the Europa Press agency.

Last Wednesday, the cabinet released a statement denying the allegations of partisanship and defending its long history of working on election law in which “she has represented Democrats, Republicans and Independents.”

“Sometimes that forces us to take controversial cases,” the statement said.

“We await criticism in such cases and we reaffirm the right of all people to voice their concern and disagreement,” the cabinet concluded.

The Trump campaign has already seen a legal setback in Pennsylvania when the Supreme Court overturned a lower court’s decision to temporarily suspend the review to allow greater scrutiny of the Republican campaign.

The president is still pursuing a lawsuit in Pennsylvania Federal Court, although it is not known whether he will be able to move forward legally, CNN reported.

Election officials in the United States said yesterday in a joint statement that There is “no evidence” of lost or altered votes or altered voting systems, as the Trump campaign claims.

Officials, responsible for election security across the country, have rejected the claims of the president and Republicans.

“The November 3 election was the safest in US history,” they said in a statement.


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