Donald Trump leaves the White House again and appears at a demonstration of support in Washington


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, fulfilled what he had put forward Friday on Twitter and appeared this Saturday during the “Million March” held in Washington, amid cries of support from his supporters, who add the Republican Magnate’s denunciations of alleged fraud in the November 3 election, in which Joe Biden won.

The President arrived in the official car, which slowly circled the region while greeting his supporters who organized the MAGA march (“Make America Great Again,” his campaign slogan in 2016 and also now).

Participants responded with shouts of “America, America!” and many ran after the presidential limousine to try and get a picture.

Many of them waved “Trump 2020” flags and some carried banners that read “Best President of All Time” or “Stop Theft”.

The march in support of Donald Trump in Washington.  Photo: EFE

The march in support of Donald Trump in Washington. Photo: EFE

On Friday, Trump had hinted that he could “come and say hello” to the march organized by his supporters. “It’s exciting to see the great support there is, especially in the organic protests happening across the country, including Saturday’s big protest in DC,” he said.

Among the organizers of the march are “Stop the Robo” and extreme right groups like Proud Boys (Proud Boys) and Oath Keepers (The Guardians of the Oath).

Trump did not acknowledge his defeat in the Nov. 3 election, even though the tally in key states has leaned towards his rival, Democrat Joe Biden. So far, appeals filed by Trump’s team asking for recounts have been dismissed by the courts.

Supporters of President Donald Trump this Saturday in the support march in the heart of Washington.  Photo: EFE

Supporters of President Donald Trump this Saturday in the support march in the heart of Washington. Photo: EFE

Irreversible result

All-state results have already been announced by the country’s major television networks. Biden obtained 306 electoral votes, against 232 for the incumbent president: exactly the same figures, but in reverse, as in the victory of the Republican magnate, described by him then as a “tidal wave”, against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Elected President of the United States, 270 votes are needed in the Electoral College.

Although still a count must take place in GeorgiaWhere the difference is very small between the two candidates, the result will not change the final result: Joe Biden has, whatever happens in Georgia, the 270 large voters necessary to open the doors of the White House.

For his part, the former vice-president of Barack Obama, who will be 78 years old next week, went out this Saturday for a bike ride near his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Trump, for his part, continues to expand confusion as to their intentions.

This Friday, he seemed on the verge of recognizing the victory of his rival, but withdrew in extremis.

“I hope what happens in the future, who knows which government it will be, I guess time will tell,” he said.

Several federal agencies have contested head-on the president’s accusations of irregularities.

“The November 3 election was the safest in US history,” several local and national election authorities, including the Cyber ​​and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which reports to the Department of internal security.

“There is no evidence of a voting system that has been removed, lost or altered from the ballots, or that it has been hacked in any way.”

Source: DPA and AFP


Photos of the massive demonstration of support for Donald Trump in Washington


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