Donald Trump looks askance at his fortune: for the first time in 25 years, he left the list of the 400 richest people on the planet


For first time in the last 25 years, former US president Donald trump left the list of the 400 greatest fortunes of the world that the magazine establishes Forbes. This was announced on Tuesday by a statement from the publication.

The magnate’s fortune is now calculated at $ 2.5 billion, an amount roughly equal to a year ago.

The difference is that in the 2020 Trump stood at the extension 339 richest people on the planet, but this year the Business Trump’s main principles, centered on immovable, stagnated in the face of the surge in cryptocurrencies and the technology sector, where the ex-president never ventured into his business plan.

The reason for removing Trump from the Forbes list

Compared to figures released before the coronavirus pandemic, Trump’s fortune has fallen by $ 600 million.

Forbes attributes this situation to the decisions taken by the former Republican president, in particular by not having diversified his fortune and reinvest in new sectors, as advised by his own advisers when he became president in 2016.

Donald Trump (Photo: AFP)
Donald Trump (Photo: AFP) For: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds | (Photo: AFP)

Forbes includes a chart with the evolution of Trump’s fortune since 1996. That year saw the tycoon’s most dramatic increase in wealth that brought him closer to the top 100 in the world.

With a few ups and downs her fortune held stable between 2000 and 2015, but from then on its decline began which has now led him to quit the exclusive list of the 400 super millionaires on the planet.

The presidency was not a big deal for Donald Trump

According to ForbesDuring his four years in the White House, Trump’s fortunes continued to decline. First left the list of the 200 richest in 2016; after that of the 300 richer in 2020 and finally this year he ditched the 400 super millionaires.

Following the release of ForbesTrump has decided to remain silent and has not released any official statement, the only tool left at hand after his social media accounts were suspended from Twitter (his favorite), Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat.

However, the former president is not giving up. On Monday he presented a Lawsuit in Florida that would force Twitter to restore its blocked account in January this year, when it posted tweets violating the platform’s rules on the occasion of the violent events at the Washington Capitol during the vote count which confirmed electoral victory. Joe Biden.


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