Donald Trump: "Next week, I will start expelling millions of illegal immigrants from the United States"


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, constantly advances on his controversial immigration policy. Monday, the president said that the immigration agency of your country will expel starting next week to millions of foreigners who entered the country irregularly.

"Next week, ICE (the agency responsible for immigration and customs law enforcement) will begin the process of take out millions of illegal aliens who have found illicit means of entering the United States, "he said Monday night in a tweet.

Next week, ICE will begin the process of eliminating the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the United States illegally. They will be removed as quickly as they enter. Mexico, which uses its strong immigration laws, is very successful in arresting people …….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2019

In addition, Trump also badured that "Guatemala is preparing to sign a third safe country"which involves the reception of asylum seekers and the prevention of claims in the United States.

This announcement comes after the State Department announced that will condition the delivery of the aid for El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, these governments are taking "concrete actions" to reduce the number of immigrants arriving in the United States.

"We will not be providing new funding for programs in these countries until we are satisfied with the program. concrete actions companies by the governments of the North Triangle [de Centroamérica] reduce the number of illegal migrants traveling to the border with the United States, "said US State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus.

In March, Trump said the three countries had not effectively prevented the arrival of migrants to the United States.

…. well before they reach our southern border. Guatemala is preparing to sign a safe third-party agreement. The only ones that will do nothing are the Democrats in Congress. They must vote to eliminate the loopholes and repair the asylum! If this is the case, the border crisis will end quickly!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2019

Since arriving at the White House, Trump has made the fight against irregular immigration an angular piece of his government. This policy led him to continue his fight with the Congress to raise funds to build a wall on the border with Mexico stop the arrival of people.

Since October of last year, Trump has denounced as "invasion" migrant caravans Central Americans who sought to reach the United States to escape poverty and violence.

The president recently threatened Mexico with imposing progressive tariffs if he failed to stop the migrants. After tense negotiations, the Mexican government concluded a 45-day truce in which it pledged to deploy 6,000 elements of the National Guard to its southern border.


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