Donald Trump, optimistic: believes that the United States will conclude a trade agreement with China


US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he had "the impression" that his country would achieve a positive result. commercial agreement with China, after months of trade tensions that shook the global economy.

"I have the impression that we will conclude an agreement with China," he told reporters during a White House appearance. He said his country "is doing very well" compared to the Asian giant.

The tariffs imposed by Washington in Beijing "they were very powerful"he said.

"Huge sums are coming into our coffers," and many companies are leaving China because they do not want to pay tariffs, the president added. "I do not think China wants to continue with a problem that they have themselves caused," he added.

Trump is trying to convince China to change a trade policy that he believes has put the United States at a disadvantage for years.

After several rounds of negotiations, the two powers appeared to be moving towards an agreement last month, but Washington said Beijing had given up at the last minute.

United States import duties increase from 10% to 25% Chinese $ 200,000 million. On June 1, China imposed new tariffs on more than 5,000 US products worth about $ 60 billion.

The trade war has shifted into the technological sector, with the measures taken by the US government against the Chinese company Huawei, which it accuses of espionage on behalf of the Chinese government.


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