Donald Trump protects the campaign: he will distribute more subsidies for the trade war with China


The trade war between the United States and China has adverse effects on the economy of the country of North America. Donald Trump made a decision in the context of a strong protectionist policy: he announced that the affected farmers and local farmers they will receive a second grantthis time of $ 16 billion, to compensate for the damage they suffer.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue said the Republican president will sign the package this Friday. In addition, he sent a message to the Asian giant. "The money will be paid by China through the tariffs"How did he.

This would be the second package of aid for the sector, after the Republican government announced last year a similar aid of $ 12 billion. According to Purdue, some of the money will be used "to access other markets" international so that if China decides not to continue buying for increased subsidies, US businessmen will be able to sell their products elsewhere.

Among these new markets, the Secretary of State for Agriculture has put forward India, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand, reported the agency. EFE. The tariff war resulted in a 2018 drop of more than 80% of US soybean exports to China, which were covered by cereals from Brazil and Argentina, which took advantage of this gap .

The trade war intensifies this month when Trump implemented a new increase 10 to 25% tariffs for various imports from China and has threatened to raise rates if you do not get an agreement that convinces you.

For its part, China has announced that it will impose a 25% tariff on goods imported from the United States for $ 60,000 million as of June 1st. In 2018, the United States exported goods worth 120 billion US dollars in China, while the Asian giant's imports amounted to 540 million USD.


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