Donald Trump says he won and denounces the fraud, Joe B …


In elections marked by polarization and a historic health, economic and social crisis, Donald trump he accused his opponent of trying to “steal” the vote, without any evidence to back him up and while the examination continued. During an appearance at dawn, he assured that they had won the election and that “he is attempting a great fraud”, he will therefore resort to Supreme Court, with a large conservative majority, to prevent the vote count.

“We’re ahead, but they’re trying to steal the election from us,” Trump said in a tweet that was immediately labeled by Twitter as “misleading.”

“Some or all of the content shared in this tweet is controversial and could be misleading about how to participate in an election or any other civic process,” the social network wrote of the Republican president’s tweet, shortly after his publication. .

On Trump’s Twitter page, the message no longer appears immediately, but must be clicked to read its content. “We are ahead, but they are trying to steal the elections. We will never let them. Votes cannot be counted after the polls close,” is the text the president tweeted.

Biden remains optimistic

Shortly before, from his stronghold of Wilmington, Delaware, Joseph biden he had declared that he was “on the way” to victory.

“Keep the faith, we will win!” Promised the former vice-president of Barack Obama in front of supporters gathered inside their cars, who responded with horns to the speech of their leader. “It’s not over until every vote is counted.”

And, asking for patience with the results, he added, “We have confidence in Arizona,” a crucial state which Fox News Network predicts would remain for Democrats.

After his appearance, and as soon as Trump’s controversial tweet became known, Biden returned to demonstrate on this social network. “We feel good where we are. We think we are on our way to winning this election. It is neither for me nor for Donald Trump to declare the winner. This place belongs to the voters,” he said. insisted.

Popular vote

As happened four years ago with Hillary Clinton, Biden can win the popular vote and lose the White House if he doesn’t get the necessary 270 electoral votes, out of a total of 538 that make up the constituency under the indirect universal suffrage system.

Everything indicates that the result will be submitted to the Midwestern states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the poll could continue on Wednesday and even beyond. North Carolina could also change the course of the election.

“If Trump wins Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, but Biden in Arizona, Biden is 85% favorite in our model. But there is a 6% electoral college tie chance,” tweeted the specialized site FiveThirtyEight.

With a record of over 100 million Americans voting early, the final results could take hours, if not days.


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