Donald Trump to sue Twitter and Facebook CEOs


Donald Trump has suspended his Twitter and Facebook accounts since the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6
Donald Trump has suspended his Twitter and Facebook accounts since the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6

Former United States President Donald Trump to announce on Wednesday he will start a class action lawsuit against Twitter and Facebook CEOs Jarck Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.

Trump will be the main plaintiff in the lawsuit, claiming to have been unfairly censored by companies, according to someone familiar with the action. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to share details ahead of the announcement.

Trump was suspended from Twitter and Facebook after his supporters stormed the Capitol building on January 6. and companies have expressed fears that this will further incite violence. Currently, you can no longer post on either platform.

Nonetheless, Trump continued to spread lies about the 2020 election, baselessly claiming that he won, even though state and local election officials, his own attorney general, and numerous judges, some of whom were appointed by him. , said there was no evidence of the massive voter fraud he alleges.

Trump plans make the announcement at an event at his golf course in Bedminster, NJ.

The lawsuit would see him sue Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, on behalf of a group that claims to have been silenced because of their policies.

The former president has always suspended his accounts on the two social media giants for his comments in the wake of the Capitol riots.

His team has repeatedly claimed he was silenced for being conservative, but social media giants say it was for security reasons after what happened on January 6.

The legal movements are supported by the America First Policy Institute, a nonprofit that includes several former senior administration officials.

He will be joined by Linda McMahon and Brooke Rollins, former acting director of the White House Home Affairs Council.

With AP information


Facebook will maintain Donald Trump’s account suspension for two years

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