Donald Trump: Who is the hacker who guessed your Twitter password? | the Chronicle


His name is Victor Gevers, is Dutch and became the man who discovered Donald Trump’s personal Twitter password. As did? It combined the initials of the currency of the current outgoing President of the United States, Make America Great Again which in Spanish means “Make America Great Again”, next to the current year, and that’s it. He got it! Even like that, It will not be sanctioned by the justice of your country.

With username @realDonaldTrump next to the magic combination: “MAGA2020”, Gevers opened a door that could have led him to serve severe sentences for his daring, but the Dutch prosecutors considered that there was hacking but the man “acted ethically”, as published Joe tidy, cybersecurity journalist from BBC.

The cybersecurity researcher
Victor Gevers interpreted by
Tobias Greenland.

What did Gevers do with the Trump account?

Apparently the man who today could be seen as both a hero and a devil, expressed that only screenshots shared from inside the account of the President on October 22, which coincides with the final stage of the campaign for the United States elections November 3.

According to Tidy, the White House like the bird’s social network, they denied at the time the possibility of a Trump hack.

We have seen no evidence to support this claim, including the article published in the Netherlands. We proactively implement account security measures for a select group of prominent U.S. election-related personalities, including those in the federal governmentThey expressed from Twitter, according to the BBC.

A publication from the Netherlands confirmed at the time that Donald Trump’s Twitter account had been hacked by a hacker, although the official versions denied it.

What data did the hacker get from Trump’s account?

In addition to data that is part of Donald Trump’s Twitter account, He had access to photos and private messages, to tweets the president had tagged private, and to all blocked accounts. of the @realDonaldTrump user.

Who is Trump’s hacker?

Victor Gevers is Dutch and has been working for over two decades as a researcher in
IT security.

His name is Victor Gevers, East cybersecurity researcher and discovered flaws in software and websites for over twenty years. On his Twitter account, which does not appear as verified, the Dutch has nearly 50,000 subscribers. It is defined as a “grumpy old man”And notice that made 5,780 disclosures, between managers and coordinates, on the vulnerability. He describes himself as a researcher in GDI Foundation and part of Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure, which are presented with the aim of “making the digital world safer by reporting vulnerabilities they find in digital systems” from people who can fix it.


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