Donald Trump will sign a decree on Monday recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan – 24/03/2019


The acting Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yisrael Katz, confirmed that the President of the United States, Donald Trump will sign on Monday his controversial recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

The Golan Heights are a territory that Israel seized Syria during the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973). This was effectively annexed in 1981, in a movement not recognized by the international community.

Israeli tanks Merkava deployed on the Golan Heights (EFE).

Israeli tanks Merkava deployed on the Golan Heights (EFE).

In your account TwitteKatz said that "tomorrow, Monday, President Trump, in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, will sign the order of recognition of sovereignty."

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"Relations between Israel and the United States are closer than ever," said Katz, who will accompany Netanyahu on his trip to Washington, DC, where the Prime Minister will present himself at the ceremony. official that Trump preceded this week.

An Israeli observation post located near the Bukata region in the Golan Heights (EFE).

An Israeli observation post located near the Bukata region in the Golan Heights (EFE).

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This recognition would fulfill another Israeli aspirations, after the Trump government moved the US Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus recognizing the holy city as the country's capital, against the international consensus the need to agree on their status in a possible peace dialogue.

The United Nations General Assembly approved in December a resolution (with the support of 128 of the 193 UN member countries) in which He urged the United States to backtrack, which did not happen.

AFP Agency.



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