Donald Trump's epic celebration after getting rid of Russiagate: they could not prove anything


After a 22 month survey on the interference of Russia in the 2016 presidential election, the special prosecutor Robert Mueller concluded that the campaign team Trump did not conspire with the Kremlin to get the victory over Hillary Clinton.

For Mueller "although the investigation identified many links between people linked to the Russian government and people linked to the Trump campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to justify criminal chargesso that the current occupant of the White House can remain calm.

In addition to collusion between the Trump team and the Kremlin, Mueller investigated 10 episodes in which the president tried to impede the investigation with pressures and other management.

Trump's attempts "were unsuccessful" because his subordinates did not obey him. Such was the case of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein when the President ordered him to expel Mueller from the investigation for an alleged conflict of interest.

Rosenstein sDenied not to generate a crisis like Watergate, which resulted in the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

Two days later, Trump sent his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowsky, to ask attorney general Jeff Sessions, now out of place, to say so publicly. that the investigation was "very unfair" with the president and that Mueller should limit himself to interfering in the electoral interference in future contests.

Sessions refused

Trump said Friday that Mueller's report was written by "18 angry Democrats who hate Trump (sic)".

"Be wary of people taking so-called" notes "when these did not exist before they were needed," Trump said. "I never agreed to testify because it was not necessary to answer the lyrics in a "report", some of which are totally crappy (sic) ", he broke.

To integrate

Statements are made by some people in the report Crazy Mueller, written by 18 Angry Democrat Democrat Haters, which are made and totally false. Be wary of people who have taken so-called "notes", even though they did not exist until they were needed. Because I have never ….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019

To integrate

… agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to the statements made in the "Report" about me, some of which are bullshit and are given only for the other to be beautiful (or that I be bad). It was an unlawfully started hoax that should never have happened, at …

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019

There are two versions of the 400-page report signed by Mueller: an uncensored, which is already in the hands of Trump's legal team, and another with barred extracts so as not to interfere in the work intelligence services, which was presented to Congress last Thursday, and then by the US Attorney General, William Barr, at a press conference.

The Democratic caucus, to which Trump referred in successive Twitter posts on Friday, insisted that Mueller will be present at the congress "no later than May 23" to answer questions on your report.


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