Donald Trump’s government team resigns after his supporters attacked the Capitol


Three veterans of the president’s team United States, Donald Trump, tendered his immediate resignation Wednesday after the assault on Capitol Hill by supporters of the president, in which four people died.

The Vice President of the White House, Sarah matthews, tendered his resignation due to the assault on Capitol Hill led by protesters who backed Trump in his attempt to stop Democrat Joe Biden’s certification of the November election victory, which fulfilled all electoral guarantees, but that the president accuses of being a fraudulent victory.

“As someone who worked in the halls of Congress, I was deeply traumatized by what I saw today. I give up my role immediately. Our country needs a peaceful transition of power, ”said Matthews.

The first lady’s chief of staff, Melania Trump, Stephanie Grisham, who has been linked to the Trump team since 2015 and became White House press chief, also announced on Wednesday that she was stepping down from her post.

“It has been an honor to serve my country in the White House. I am very proud to have been a part of First Lady Melania Trump’s mission to help children and I am very proud of the accomplishments of this administration,” said Grisham said.

The White House Social Events Manager, Anna cristina niceta, who is also reporting to the first lady, has joined the resignations after three years with the Trump team.

Other members of Trump’s team are expected to resign and thus highlight the gravity of what happened at the seat of the legislature, which the president did not condemn and which he has. even justified.

Among those considering resigning are Trump’s national security adviser, Robert o’brien; your number two, Matt Pottinger; and the Deputy Chief of Staff of the White House, Chris Liddell, according to various media.

Hundreds of protesters besieged the Capitol on Wednesday when the process of certifying Biden’s victory in the November election began, normally a bureaucratic process that arouses no expectations.

Trump encouraged Wednesday’s rallies in Washington and harangued the crowd just before they violently stormed the seat of legislative power, forced to evacuate the two chambers together and create violent chaos that ended in four dead and at least 15 injured.

Source: EFE


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