Dorian: devastation and oil spill | A company …


Hurricane Dorian, one of the longest in history, leaves the US territory on Saturday for Canada after ten days of travel, during which it left torrential rains and high winds. Less than 10% of hurricanes since their registration have been active for so long.

Although the southeastern coast of the United States was the most glaring, especially in the states of North and South Carolina, the most devastating effects first appeared in the northern islands of the Bahamas , where the death toll is currently 43 years and recovery efforts continue and seek.

In the Carolinas, where winds of more than 150 km / h have been recorded, tens of thousands of people still lack electricity and large floods, but the damage has been less than expected.

One of the most affected areas is the long series of barrier islands known as Outer Banks in North Carolina. In one of them, Ocracoke, it is estimated that close to a thousand people remain isolated. "The island currently has no electricity and many buildings and houses are still under water," said North Carolina Democratic Governor Roy Cooper, at the time of the event. 39, a press conference.

In statements collected by the local press, Steve Harris, a resident of Ocracoke, recounted how he had spent "just a few minutes having water between 1.2 and 1.8 meters" and had described the situation of "catastrophic". In spite of this, the North Carolina authorities have repeated their relief at the absence of the deceased for the time being, as well as their comparisons with hurricane Florence, which killed more than 30 people. year.

Dorian now travels 40 km / h north-east and is 260 km southeast of Nantucket, Mbadachusetts, and 500 km southeast of Halifax, Canada, the National Hurricane Center reported. (CNH).

It is expected that it will land in Nova Scotia and affect the rest of the Maritime provinces of eastern Canada late Saturday, although the CNH hopes that it has already become a post-tropical cyclone. "There will likely be dangerous floods this weekend in parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, southeastern Newfoundland and eastern Nova Scotia," CNH said. the impact on Canada. The cyclone, still category 1 out of a total of 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, will continue moving to the North Atlantic until Sunday before disappearing, according to the NHC.

Hurricane Dorian has left more than death, destruction and suffering in its pbadage through the Bahamas. The Norwegian company Equinor has confirmed that its oil facility has suffered significant damage and a fuel spill on the ground, which could spread in recent days up to the Atlantic Ocean. "Our initial aerial evaluation of the South Riding Point facility revealed that the terminal had been damaged and that oil had been observed on the ground outside the tanks." It is too early to indicate a volume. For the moment, there has been no sighting of oil spill in the sea, "Equinor said in a statement.

The impact of the oil spill on the environment is one of many brutal beatings in Grand Bahama after the storm that swamped vast areas of the Bahamas and left thousands homeless.


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