Double front in Israel: rockets from Lebanon, Palestinians strike in mixed towns


8 days after the start of the escalation of the war between Israel and Palestine, Lebanon joined the historic conflict and again launched missiles against Israeli territory.

Thus, the Islamic Resistance Movement of Lebanon (Hezbol) give back signs of “ solidarity ” with Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization who controls the Gaza Strip.

The attack occurs at a time of frantic diplomatic negotiations, where world leaders like Joe Biden, the President of the United States, are calling for a cessation of hostilities before the situation turns into “all-out war”, as feared by the UN.

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Monday evening the Israeli army fired more than 20 ground artillery rounds against Lebanon after firing 6 missiles against the north of their territory.

Lebanese bombings sound the sirens air attack near Kibbutz Misgav Am, on the northern border of Israel. No casualties or damage were reported. Some sources assure that the rockets did not cross the border. Others claim that they would have been intercepted by the iron dome, one of the most sophisticated intelligent “shields” in the world.

Iron Dome: what is the anti-missile shield used by Israel to stop Hamas attacks

This is not the first cross-border incident involving Lebanon since the start of hostilities between Israel and Palestine. Last Thursday, 3 rockets were launched from this country, but they fell in the Mediterranean Sea.

During, continues the exchange of attacks between Israel and the Gaza Strip, where medical supplies, fuel and clean water are starting to run out.

“The head of the Interim Force of the The United Nations in Lebanon He immediately contacted his peers in the Lebanese army and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commands, urging the parties to exercise the utmost restraint to avoid any escalation of the situation. IDF they have already stopped the fire“He posted the diplomatic mission on his Twitter account.

Palestinian general strike in Israel

Palestinians lead general strike in Israel and occupied West Bank on Tuesday in rejection of Israeli policy, as the local air force continues to bombard Gaza and Hamas fires more rockets from the coastal region.

The measure of force was called by the Palestinian community of Israel and supported by the autonomous government of the Palestinian National Authority (ANP), which is based in the West Bank, where schools and all public offices have woken up closed.

The Israeli Palestinians are those who stayed at home in what is now Israel, and they did not go into exile when the Jewish state was founded in 1948. They represent 20% of the population. Israel. In the 1967 war, Israel conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Palestinians want to establish an independent state, plus Gaza.

Strike repudiate Israeli policy considering them as a system of aside which denies Israeli Palestinians the rights Jewish Israelis have. Israel rejects this accusation, endorsed by many human rights organizations, and ensures that all of its citizens are equal before the law.

internal violence, another open front

The clashes between citizens of Jewish and Muslim origin are another factor of concern for the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as Inter-communal clashes, including threats of lynching, increase in Israel without the police repression being able to stop it.

How the conflict started

Hostilities began on May 10 when the Hamas group, which runs Gaza, fired rockets at Jerusalem to support Palestinian residents in Israel, after the government’s decision to restrict access to Islamic holy sites in the middle of the holy month of Ramadan, there is also the eviction of dozens of Palestinian families from their homes to locate Jewish settlers there.

Israel responded with an air and artillery offensive against Gaza strip, a narrow territory with a coastline to the Mediterranean Sea where 2 million Palestinians live in an “ open-air prison ” and with 50% unemployment, since the area has been blocked by land, sea and air by Israel and Egypt since 2007.

The escalation of the current war is the strongest since a major Israeli offensive against Hamas in Gaza in 2014.


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