Double last name, a strange fortune and a detention, the hidden data of Etchebest


D & # 39; Alessio and Etchebest, in the controversial video Source: archive

The dark businessman has a biography with several elements that do not seem to close completely; he shared offices with former commissioners

Did they spy on each other? Were they all plotting for intelligence operations? Or was it just a life that cheated a naive? The complaint of the rural businessman
Pedro Etchebest, who accused
Marcelo D'Alessio, after having extorted, has elements to justify any conspiracy theory. Etchebest, the alleged victim, has just revealed a fact that further obscures the case: he admitted
THE NATION Between 2014 and 2016, he shared the offices with Aníbal Degastaldi and Ricardo Bogoliuk, the two ex-commissioners linked to the intelligence services who are detained and who, according to Alessio, had ordered this extortion.

"I'm somewhere, far away," Etchebest said on the phone, adding that he was scared. "I did not know that they were working in the intelligence, yes, they were expoliaires who were doing expertise and security issues." The relationship began in 2014 when, remember, she and seven other people coincided when renting compartments in the same first floor of a building of Alicia M. de Justo 1150, Puerto Madero. They shared secretary and bathroom. "In fact, I was a girl who was calling, I did not have access to my belongings, they were very reserved," she says.

The cohabitation lasted about eight months until, according to Etchebest, the ex-commissioners proposed to rent together an office on the third floor of this place. And there, in this vast space overlooking the river, he was there until 2016, paying rent to Degastaldi and Bogoliuk, which they then transferred to the administration.

The data coincide with D'Alessio's statement to justice. Meanwhile, he had offices on the second floor and climbed from time to time. "They wore it, because D'Alessio is a little eccentric, I was a little sorry," says Etchebest, without saying how the victim of this harbadment had called him in January from Tulum, to Mexico. tell him that he was named in the case of notebooks by the statement of the repentant Juan Manuel Campillo, former director of Oncca. D'Alessio told him that if he wanted to be fired, he had to pay him $ 300,000 that he would transfer to the attorney.

Carlos Stornelli


It was the beginning of the case that ended with the Stornelli charge and which is being conducted by Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla. Since his place in the world, Etchebest reiterates that, during the second call of D & # 39; Alessio and on the advice of his lawyer, he put the phone on a speakerphone and recorded it with the cellphone of his wife.

The story has too many details outstanding. The most basic is why the task force decided to extort money from anyone. Etchebest exposes his conjecture: he thinks that when the justice of the peace arrested Campillo, a manager with whom he had had a working relationship as a rural businessman, someone who would have Alessio had scanned the phone numbers of the detainee and wanted to work on his own. "Otherwise, I do not see why they did not extort me before," he says.

He adds that it is false, that he had a VCA in November and that he had decided to file a complaint, fearing that they would harm his children, to whom he had transferred the goods that he had purchased in the 1990s in Utah, United States. The other part of the case raises doubts: how does an entrepreneur of SMEs who claims to live from the cultivation of kiwis and strawberries on 50 hectares in the Sierra de los Padres have a good heritage? "Heritage – they did not represent more than 600 000 dollars in the United States", he defends himself before the consultation. "I'm not a millionaire, I've always had a business vision: I've saved my whole life, I've invested on the stock market, I've seen the opportunity." in five I bought four and I bought one more in 2006. In 2006, I bought another one in Miami and left everything to my kids. " 50 hectares of Mar del Plata since the crisis of 2001, when I bought it at a very low price appreciated: I am not to blame for having acquired $ 60,000, which is worth a million today. hui.

Before the case exploded, Etchebest was a discreet man. In agreement with the one he had until his thirties, he played guitar and bbad in groups of artists that made him triple. He accompanied Roberto Goyeneche, Ginamaría Hidalgo, Yaco Monti and José Feliciano, with whom he went on tour in Viña del Mar.

The first big public outcry came only last year, when inspectors fell on the land he had rented in Mar del Plata and found more than 30 cases of reduction in servitude, a crime under article 140 of the Penal Code. "I did not go to the countryside for 3 or 4 years, so they detained me for a few hours," he admits, "they took me to the judge, I told them shown the lease and I was fired, but this girl, Mariana Zuvic, accuses me of being a very painful pimp who are not real. "

It was again a new Monday, when Juan Manuel Ducler, son of Aldo, financial adviser of the Kirchner who died in 2017, recognized it in a photo published on Twitter by the journalist Infobae Andrés Ballesteros. Had not he seen this face again? He wondered when Ducler saw it. "Pedro Etchebest or Pedro Rodríguez?" Farmer or person related to the former SIDE who has sold "friend" in the United States? It was presented in November 2016, just two months after my father's complaint in CPY for StaCruz funds, "he wrote this morning on his Twitter account, where he delighted the embbady American, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the DEA.

Consulted, Ducler gave this diary the details of this meeting. He says he was taken there by a former school colleague, Marcelo Azpiri, who told him that a group of people with good ties to the US government wanted him, he and his father, as informing members in the fund administration. Holy Cross. Azpiri then introduced him to Néstor Palópoli, chief of the PJ and good relations with Eduardo Duhalde, and all agreed that he should meet the man who, they had promised him, would contact the Americans: Pedro Rodríguez.

It was Etchebest. Because the full name of the guitarist is Etchebest Rodríguez. That, in an interview that Ari Lijalad made him for the Destape, he admitted that he was sometimes called by his second last name because it was "easier." Ducler does not believe anything. On the contrary: he is convinced that he has, thanks to his discovery on Twitter, given to an intelligence agent of this group who, he declared, wished to obtain information.

Etchebest admits the photo and the meeting, but the reasons for the meeting with Ducler are different: he says that a friend, Martín Montes, asked him, since he already knew this address, to make contact with the elders Kirchner's advisers to US lawyers claim a $ 150 million debt to Citi. He says that they went to work and did not reach an agreement on the fees required by the study: $ 50,000. Ducler agrees only on the amount: he says it's a trap and that the claim proposed to Citi was the last alternative offered when he noticed that he refused to give them information about the funds of Santa Cruz.

As if the story lacked conjecture.


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