Doubts about Macri's presence and kings at Convention Center's lunch


After noon on Tuesday, the provincial government has become certain that the visit to Cordoba of the Spanish Kings, Felipe I SAW and Leticia Ortíz, would be shorter than expected and they would not participate in the "real lunch" preparing for the center. congresses.

The reason for this would be that the representatives of the Crown will welcome the movements of President Mauricio Macri, who would not stay for lunch after the opening ceremony of the Spanish Language Congress, as reported by Casa Rosada to the provincial government, according to the reconstruction that he made The voice from official sources.

In fact, it has been a long time since the protocol was established for the Argentine president and the king to attend the luncheon. But a few days ago, Macri changed his schedule to not attend, forcing the Royal House authorities to dismiss the presence of the monarch.

Then Macri confirmed his presence, but the king's protocol had already modified his itineraries. It is now possible that Macri participated in the meeting, but that the kings leave anyway for Buenos Aires before this event.

They are coming tonight

What is confirmed is that kings will arrive this Tuesday night in the city of Córdoba and spend the night at the Sheraton Hotel. On Wednesday, they will attend at least the inauguration of the congress at Teatro Libertador San Martín, then go to the Emilio Caraffa Museum, where they will attend a sample of Cervantes and meet representatives of the Iberian rural community.

The initial plan was that later, they went to the convention center to have lunch with the provincial, municipal and national authorities; among them, Macri. It remains to be seen whether the kings and the president will join or not.

Strong operator

The security operation for visiting kings will be the most important in the history of Cordoba.

"In the security operation, we have been working for a month, and the provincial, national and municipal forces will be working with the Spanish Guard in a coordinated way," he said. The voice Commissioner Gonzalo Cumplido. Even a helicopter will follow the whole route of the Spanish representatives and snipers will be installed in the buildings surrounding the places they visit.

Transit cuts

Car traffic will be prohibited within 200 meters during the event in San Martin and Caraffa. It will also not be possible to park on the Patio Olmos inner beach from this night until Wednesday noon.


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