Dr Cohen: “The vaccine does not guarantee the end of the pandemic”


Following the announcement from the Pfizer laboratory in which the company confirmed that it would manufacture half of the doses it had initially promised, RePerfilAr contacted the Argenetian doctor Marta Cohen, who gave us details of the vaccination plan to be carried out in the UK in the coming hours and mentioned a possible second wave in Argentina, the Russian vaccine and the end of the pandemic.

“The vaccine will not end the pandemic, is just one of the three pillars needed to deal with the coronavirus, ”said Cohen, who then highlighted the other two pillars: “The second pillar is to maintain personal hygiene and the use of the chinstrap. The third pillar is the responsibility of governments to carry out massive tests. Each government must test all its inhabitants even twice a month ”.

Vaccination against other diseases decreased by up to 50%

“If they don’t test massively and maintain social distancing, Argentina is going in the same direction as Europe and will undoubtedly have a second wave.

Then the doctor spoke about the Russian vaccine, which the national government will have: “We are not talking about the Russian vaccine in the UK. It is very similar to the Oxford vaccine method, but much remains to be discovered.. All vaccines must be thoroughly reviewed by multilateral organizations before they are applied en masse ”.

Regarding the UK vaccination plan, Cohen said: “Last night it was decided to change the vaccination plan and In the next few hours, the first to receive the dose of Pfizer will be people living in nursing homes. because in the first wave, most of the deceased came from there ”. Then the specialist assured that the Oxford vaccine will be available in the Saxon country for the holidays, with approximately 4 to 10 million ready-to-use doses.

Finally, the specialist also mentioned the reception of the British with the vaccine: “In general, people are in favor of vaccination. The media leave a lot of room for science. Even Facebook has said it will remove any post that questions the scientific basis without any argument.


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