Draghi swore in Italy, amid a health, economic and social emergency


“I swear allegiance to the Republic”Draghi told the country’s head of state, Sergio Mattarella, during a ceremony at the presidential palace broadcast live on television.

Mario Draghi’s government will be made up of technicians in key ministries, with eight women heading various portfolios.

The new team of ministers, which even includes a third of women, has been assembled and leaves room for all the parties of the vast majority that support the executive, with figures of confidence of the Prime Minister in key departments.

The health, economic and social emergency – said Draghi when accepting the mission on February 3 – are the priorities: the themes are intertwined and a lot of things will go through the stimulus plan.

Thus, it will be important to work side by side with the Undersecretary of the Presidency Roberto Garofoli, but above all with the new Minister of the Economy and the Minister of Energy Transition, who will merge environmental issues and certain energy skills.

In these portfolios, the elected officials are Daniele Franco Yes Roberto Cingolani, which are outside the party’s perimeter.

In this assembly, the M5S is only partially compliant, as an exponent of this force is not driving.

However, Luigi Di Maio, confirmed in his post of chancellor, affirmed that “we strongly wanted” the government, because “it is the government of ecological transition”.

Another ministry which found itself in the hands of a “technician” is that of Justice, which will be headed by the former president of the Constitutional Court, Marta Cartabia.

In technological and digital innovation, however, Vittorio Colao.

Many other ministries are divided among the parties. The M5S sees many of its members represented, the Democratic Party also with the entry of Andrea Orlando, qwho heads the Ministry of Labor.

The PD also managed to place Lorenzo Guerini (Defense) already Dario Franceschini, in Culture.

Meanwhile, the force that has achieved such an important ministry as economic development is the League, as it will be occupied by Giancarlo Giorgetti, while the former deputy minister Massimo Garavaglia will direct that of Tourism.

And the League also obtains the birth of the ministry of the handicap. “Business, tourism, disabled. The League immediately gets to work to help and revive the heart of Italy,” wrote Matteo Salvini on Twitter.

Silvio Berlusconi’s party will also have a share of power, since it has managed to place Renato Brunetta at the head of the Ministry of Public Administrations (he has already held this post); at Mara Carfagna, in the South and social cohesion, already Mariastella Gelmini (General Affairs and Autonomy), who was already Minister with “Il Cavaliere”.

Draghi, likewise, chose continuity for a fundamental ministry in the management of the Covid-19 emergency, that of Roberto Speranza in health, which will continue to emphasize that health is “a constitutionally protected right”.

Another continuity will be for the senior official Luciana Lamorgese at the Ministry of the Interior.

One of the paradoxes that the constitution of the new executive power has to do with the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, head of Italia Viva and mastermind behind the crisis in the government of Giuseppe Conte, which led to the emergence of the new executive .

Renzi’s party will only have a portfolio without powers in the Council of Ministers. It is the Ministry of Equal Opportunities and the Family, which will be occupied by Elena Bonetti.

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