Drama in United States: Pilot died after falling from drifting hot air balloon with four passengers


Investigadores de la Administración Federal de Aviación, meeting a lo largo del río Connecticut y la Ruta 25 in Bradford, Vermont, el 16 de julio de 2021. Según la Policía Estatal de Vermont, el piloto Brian Boland murió después de caer de un calor out of control.  -Hot air balloon in Bradford.  Photo: Valley News by Geoff Hansen.
Investigadores de la Administración Federal de Aviación, meet a lo largo del río Connecticut y la Ruta 25 in Bradford, Vermont, el 16 de julio de 2021. Según la Policía Estatal de Vermont, el piloto Brian Boland murió después de caer de un calor out of control. -Hot air balloon in Bradford. Photo: Valley News by Geoff Hansen.

Thursday afternoon, the pilot of a hot air balloon died after becoming entangled in the basket and falling to the ground in Bradford, a city in the state of Vermont, according to state police information.

Vermont State Officials identified the pilot as Brian Boland, 72, a resident of Post Mills State.

The hot air balloon took off with four passengers and Boland on board. Shortly after, he got off and hit the ground, according to police officers at the scene. The basket has been overturned and one of the four passengers fell, but was not injured.

MEX070.  TULA (MEXICO), 04/22 / 2021.- Members of Greenpeace today fly over the thermoelectric power station of Tula, in the state of Hidalgo (Mexico) in a hot air balloon.  Greenpeace Mexico flew a hot air balloon with the message on Thursday, Earth Day "excess pollution" in front of the thermoelectric power station of Tula, one hour from the Mexican capital and which, they assured, produces about 16,000 premature deaths each year. "It is a plant that uses fuel oil, which produces very significant emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon black and PM2.5 particles, which have very serious implications for health and the environment."Greenpeace energy specialist Pablo Ramírez told Efe.  EFE / Carlos Ramirez
MEX070. TULA (MEXICO), 04/22 / 2021.- Members of Greenpeace today fly over the thermoelectric power station of Tula, in the state of Hidalgo (Mexico) in a hot air balloon. Greenpeace Mexico flew on Thursday, Earth Day, a hot air balloon with the message “excessive pollution” in front of the thermoelectric power station of Tula, one hour from the Mexican capital and which, according to them, kills around 16,000 premature deaths each year. “This is a plant that uses fuel oil, which produces very high emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon black and PM2.5 particles, which have very serious implications for health and the environment” , Greenpeace energy specialist Pablo Ramírez. EFE / Carlos Ramirez

As the basket tipped over, Boland became entangled in the equipment that was attached to the hot air balloon as it ascended again, according to police reports. Brian got stuck under the basket where he eventually fell to the ground.

Boland landed in a field and was pronounced dead at the scene, according to official reports.

The balloon continued its northward journey for “About 1.5 km”, according to the police, subsequently, crossed state borders and get tangled in trees in the town of Piermont in New Hampshire.

The other three passengers were able to get off safely and none were injured, authorities said.

Boland also worked with the agency Silver Maple Lodge and Cabins in Fairlee, Vermont, whose purpose was to provide hot air balloon rides to visitors.

On the other hand, Brian was one of the most experienced pilots in the world, who also set many world records that in the same way, they made him a creditor of national championships and that he flew around the world, according to information on the page’s site.

Robert Willbanks, a balloon pilot who said he knew Boland from the 1970s he wrote a Facebook post on Thursday calling him “One of the most creative and talented aeronauts in our sport.”

Brian will be missed, but we won’t regret our flying friends as we all got up to kiss the sunrise and we are floating in the breath of God, peace to all of Brian’s family and friends. Good winds and a smooth landing, my friend. ”Willbanks wrote.

The National Transport Safety Office and the Federal Aviation Administration They are investigating the accident.

Eleven injured in hot air balloon crash in New Zealand

At least eleven people were injured when a hot air balloon crashed near a house in the Arrowtown countryside, located in the South Island of New Zealand.

EFE / Lukas Coch / Archives
EFE / Lukas Coch / Archives

Two of the injured are in serious condition, while one person has moderate injuries and the other eight have minor injuries according to a release from the Saint-Jean ambulance service, which dispatched two helicopters and four ambulances to the crash site.

A witness told the NewsHub news portal that the hot air balloon was flying very low, trying to land unsuccessfully in a meadow before crashing to the ground near a house, although these facts have not been corroborated by the authorities. It is also not known whether all the injured were traveling in the hot air balloon, nor the reasons why this company plane Sunrise Balloons crashed to the ground.


Eleven injured in hot air balloon crash in New Zealand
“Wait! »: The shocking moment when a man was suspended from a hot air balloon in Teotihuacan
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