Dramatic note from miners trapped in China a week ago – News


The handwritten note reports that 12 workers are still alive and four of them are injured, while the status of the remaining ten affected is unknown, the news agency reported. Xinhua.

The explosion caused significant damage to the ladder leading to the bottom of the mine and to the communication cables.

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Rescuers drilled a canal on Sunday afternoon, struck the drill pipe and received pounding noises in response.

Rescuers later reported feeling trapped by people pulling on the iron ropes used to deliver food.

The miners have since been able to send a handwritten message saying at least 12 of them are alive, local authorities reported on Monday.

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“We are all exhausted. We urgently need upset stomach medicine, pain relievers, duct tape and anti-inflammatory drugs. Three people also have high blood pressure,” the note said., cited by the agency AFP.

The author of the message also writes that the miners are surrounded by a lot of water and that four are injured.

“We do not know the situation of the other 10 people” trapped, he said.

“As long as the rescue continues, we will continue to have hope. Thank you!” Concludes the message.

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Public television CCTV he was transmitting images of rescuers as they descended a conduit eaten by a wire rope which they then ascended with the message from the miners.

Two senior mine officials were fired after the explosion.


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