Dramatic order of the boy family executed in the robbery at the warehouse | Chronic


The family of Germán Mauricio Ruiz GarcíaThe 15-year-old man killed during an badault at a convenience store last Sunday in the Mexican city of Tolima, is dismayed.

With mariachi music, the teenager was fired Tuesday afternoon surrounded by his closest friends.

"It's not good, they took my child and nobody will pay me"I have repeated Rosa Elía, mother of the mortal victim.

Outraged by the killer's action of pulling the trigger when the kid did not resist, the family asked for justice.

"Wherever you are, have a little compbadion, you have seen how you killed him, you have just killed him, give yourself so that you can live quietly, believe me, you would do an act of d & # 39; 39; love "she said through tears, Julieta Garibay, aunt of the minor.

Garibay has also been outraged by critics that she has received on social networks for the work of a minor.

"Do you know what life this child had for what he's talking about? Reality does not know it, you do not have to think about the crazy?"he commented.

The Germán store is located two blocks from his home on the Tapeixtles Highway in Manzanillo, in the Colima region.


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