Dramatic situation in French hospitals due to …


The health crisis has worsened in Europe after the eruption in recent weeks of a Monday be coronaviru infectionss. In this context, France plans to transfer Covid-19 patients to Germany in the face of saturation of its health system

According to the French Federation of Hospitals (FHF), positive cases continue to increase and “the pressure is extremely strong in certain territories“, in particular in the south-eastern region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the north of Hauts de France.

“Transfers to other regions, or even to other countries, will make it possible to reduce this pressure and will sometimes be essential”, explained the president of the FHF, Fréderic Valletoux during a press conference.

In this sense, he stressed that France assesses transfer of Covid-19 patients to Germany in the next 10 days, as some hospitals cannot absorb the increase in infections. They are also planning to transfer patients from the severely affected northern Hauts-de-France region to other parts of the country.

During the peak of infections of the first wave, France had to send dozens of patients to Germany, as well as to Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

According to figures from Public Health France released on Monday, over the past 24 hours, there has been 418 dead and 52,518 new infections. Since the start of the pandemic, the total deaths have risen to more than 37,400 people.

According to the medical council which advises the government of Emmanuel Macron, the second wave of the covid-19 epidemic will not be the last, since it will be followed by new episodes “successive during the end of winter” and at spring.

Faced with the worsening health situation, France has decreed a new childbirth from Friday to December 1 at least.


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