Dramatic UN Forecasts for Climate Change


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned against “Irreversible impact” and the danger for humanity represented by the global warming limit of + 1.5 ° C set by the Paris Agreement, according to a draft report to be released early next year.

The report warns against “Dramatic consequences” for humanity if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced quickly. “Life on Earth can overcome major climate change by evolving into new species and creating new ecosystems. But humanity cannot,” said the technical summary of the 137-page project.

The prospects presented by the report are not very encouraging: for the coming years, it foresees water scarcity, hunger, disease, species extinction, exodus and cities submerged by rising oceans.

The report, to which the AFP agency had access, asserts that an increase in temperature above 1.5 ºC could already lead to “consequences that are progressively serious over the centuries and irreversible in some cases”. Children born today will feel this negative impact strongly before they turn 30, he says.

The 4,000-page study paints a detailed picture of how climate change is devastating the planet and will be published in February 2022. Its aim is to educate decision-makers around the world to prevent the worst assumptions from materializing and d ‘alert to the need to act now.

According to forecasts, 420 million people will experience extreme heat waves if global warming exceeds 2 ° C. Hunger could affect up to 80 million more people in 2050 than today if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced quickly.

“The worst is yet to come and it will affect the lives of our children and grandchildren far more than ours,” he says.

“Open the eyes”

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg argued that this project allows the world to see “reality head on”. If it confirms that the climate situation is “very serious” and that it is necessary to “act now”, the resulting text is also a source of “hope” because it shows that there are “more and more people who are ready to say it as it is”, affirmed the young woman.

“This is the reality and we will have to adapt to it,” insisted the creator of the Fridays For Future movement and of the school strikes to demand more action against global warming from the States.

The young activist argued that reality cannot be faced “without saying it as it is”. “So it’s something that it can help people wake up which is very helpful. ” underlined Thunberg, who considered that the report makes it possible “to open the eyes”, which is better than “false tranquility”.

“Some people are so obsessed with not scaring people that they don’t want to talk about the climate crisis. But in my experience with people I’ve met, it’s quite the opposite,” he said from Stockholm. “The worst part is when we don’t want to face reality and downplay things, saying ‘everything will be fine, don’t worry’ or ‘we are doing all we can’ when we don’t. is not true, “argued the young woman.


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