Drastic announcement of King Juan Carlos


The King Juan Carlos, surprised this Monday at the announcement of the definitive withdrawal of their real obligations. In a letter to his son Felipe, His Majesty explained that he would not participate in official acts as of June 2, the date on which five years of his abdication are celebrated.

The Royal House of Spain issued a statement confirming this decision and Felipe VI accepts the actions of his father, who has remarkably deteriorated in recent appearances.

"Your Majesty, dear Felipe:

In recent years, since my abdication from the Spanish Crown on June 2, 2014, I have developed institutional activities with the same zeal for service to Spain and the Crown that inspired my reign . Now, when nearly five years have pbaded since then, I think it is time to break a new page in my life and complete my withdrawal from public life.

Since last year, as I was celebrating my 80th birthday, I have matured this idea, which has been reaffirmed on the occasion of the unforgettable commemoration of the 40th anniversary of our Constitution in the United States. Cortes Generales. A solemn act, full of emotion for me, which made me evoke with pride and admiration the memory of so many who contributed to make possible the political transition and to renew my feeling of permanent gratitude towards the Spanish people, true architect and main protagonist of this transcendental stage of our recent history.

With a firm and thoughtful conviction, I express today my desire and willingness to take this step and stop developing institutional activities from June 2nd. I make this decision of the great affection and pride of a father that I feel for you, always with my loyalty.

A huge hug from your father. "

King Juan Carlos bid farewell to the public exhibitionç

This decision implies that your Majesty will not have the obligation to appear in official acts let alone answer to the Crown; and every participation on your part will only be of your own free will.


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