Draw This, the camera that will return your photos in the drawings


Many people buy a professional camera to be able to take high quality photos, but in a world where everything is possible, you have to go in the opposite direction to attract the attention of users .

This idea was taken by Dan Macnish, creator of the unique and irreverent Draw This, which turns out to be a camera that, instead of reflecting the best and most accurately possible images taken, turns them into drawings that a child would make

The engineer and visual artist wanted to go beyond what has already been offered before and in large quantities, with his invention, that many can demerit for this that it does for photographs, but in reality it's an innovative device.

The latter is told by the neural network that uses his instant camera, which was inspired by the online game Google Quick Draw, which just uses this network to try to guess what people I was trying to draw

In this way and with the referents of the game, Macnish has generated a database with more than 50 million drawings to power his camera

This device, works through the Raspberry Pi minicomputer, to the thermal printer and to the other electronic devices that it contains, but something that does not count and that makes this procedure fun, that's 39; is the viewer or

On this basis, a person can take a picture and the camera will instantly convert it into a drawing, printing it in real time just like with Polaroid, but so more fun.

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The creator said that everything was a matter of entertainment:

"You will never see the original image.You are aiming, shooting and watching the The camera makes the best possible interpretation of what she sees.The result is always a surprise
A photo of a salad can become a huge hot dog or a photo with friends can be spoiled by a goat. "

To make everyone laugh for a moment, Macnish's camera code was downloaded to the Github network so that everyone could arm it without problems.

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