Drew Barrimore and Cameron Díaz, two beauties who dare 'natural' photos


Radio Miter Shows

July 15, 2018

When most stars are looking for apps that allow them to apply thousands of filters to images to appear 'as in magazines &' Drew and Cameron, They do not fear marks or wrinkles. Genies!

The actresses have been friends for a long time, and Drew Barrimore is one of the famous Americans who has no problem getting makeup without makeup, becoming one of the exhibitors who has more photos 'natural' on their social networks.

Drew and Cameron have one of the most beautiful friendships of Hollywood . The two played the lead role Charlie's Angels together with Lucy Liu and since then they have relied on projects, breaks and releases, something that has not happened. 39 is not very common in the behind. screen. & # 39;

The relationship between Drew Barrimore and Cameron Díaz is so strong that they even call them & # 39; sisters & # 39; The two actresses, who have always distinguished themselves by their extroverted attitude, generally appreciate outings and meetings that prefer not to reveal too much detail, although this time the stars share an image turned viral by its total naturalness

. ] Cameron and I are like sisters we have an almost fraternal relationship that was forged many years ago and is still alive with the same intensity as usual. Sometimes we continue to behave like teenagers when we are together, we live crazy adventures and we are like two naughty girls, many people do not know it, but when we met Cameron and I We are a real danger especially her.There is not much more to say, for fear of being misinterpreted.It is important that we have fun together, as we've always done it "confesses Drew Barrymore a few years ago to Life & Style magazine." without makeup "," sunscreen always "," day off "or "without filter" the photo of the two actresses was "envied" by be Many of their followers, because it highlights the most beautiful of them, "its natural state".

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