dropped a vial of coronavirus vaccine and replaced it with saline


The coronavirus pandemic does not give a truce and the application of the vaccine appears to be an extreme necessity. But in the middle of the process, alarming cases emerge: A nurse in Germany replaced Covid-19 vaccines with a saline solution after a pot falls on the ground

The incident took place in a vaccination center in the district of Friesland, in the north-west of the European country. There they administered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, local authorities said in a statement.

After dropping the 6-dose ampoule On April 21, the utility attempted to hide its error. He had no better idea than to fill six syringes with saline and pass them on to another doctor for administration.

A man receives a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.  Photo: Reuters

A man receives a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. Photo: Reuters

According to what the authorities believe, around 200 people were vaccinated that day, broadcast RT.

Confession and antibody test

Perhaps with the charge of conscience after the incident, the nurse confessed what had happened to a colleague, who in turn reported it to the district. The public service is under investigation for a possible crime.

Frisian authorities started contacting people who may have been affected that day. They have been informed that must be tested for antibodies to indicate who should be vaccinated.


Sven Ambrosy, the German district administrator, said: “This case is deeply shocking and my top priority now is to contact the citizens involved and prevent this incident from happening again. “

One dose of Comirnaty Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.  Photo: AFP

One dose of Comirnaty Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. Photo: AFP

On the other hand, Ambrosy believed that the so-called “four-eye principle”.

For those who do not know what it is, it implies that there is always “two people involved in dose management vaccination and syringe extraction at the same time “.


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