Dropping out of school, domestic violence and pregnancies: the devastation of the pandemic on Mexican children


Miners have been the main affected by the social devastation of the pandemic in Mexico (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
Miners have been the main affected by the social devastation of the pandemic in Mexico (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

The COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico it has wreaked havoc on the population. Beyond more than 3 million infections and almost 250 thousand dead, the social problems linked to this health emergency are also alarming, especially for children.

According to the report “Impact of the pandemic on girls and boys», Presented by the federal government, this sector of the population has affected this sector of the population due to confinement, mobility restrictions, suspension of face-to-face classes and zero coexistence with their peers.

These factors change the stages of childhood development and mental health. Likewise, it places them in a position of vulnerability within their home, which has become the main source of the violence they suffer.

For the national authorities, it is alarming to note the number of people who have left schoolwell for him 2020-2021 school cycle, 5.2 million students did not enroll in an educational center derived from COVID-19. Out of the total number of registrants, 3 million are boys and girls.

Another indicator that also reached historic figures from March to June 2021 was the domestic violence. During this first semester, 129,020 investigation files for this crime, amount that attests to a 24% increase compared to the same period of the previous year, a situation which reversed the downward trend in crime.

Between confinement and stress, the children saw their environment and their social life modified (Photo: ROGELIO MORALES / CUARTOSCURO)
Between confinement and stress, the children saw their environment and their social life modified (Photo: ROGELIO MORALES / CUARTOSCURO)

For their part, violent injuries also increased since 2020, specifically at home, because this is where the 73.29% of cases. Already in 2021, cases of kinship reached 65.96% of the total, and this showed that girls and adolescents were the most raped (92.81%).

The types of violence which were most exercised from January to June 2021 were the psychological (37.85%), sexual, (29.69%), physics (26.33%), abandonment or neglect (4.51%) and economic (1.63%).

Another factor that was increased was that of pregnancies in girls and adolescents aged 10 to 14. Last year again, there was 373 thousand 661 births teenage mothers, including 8,876 children of children under 14.

Those who have been the main accused of making a girl under 14 pregnant due to rape or arranged marriages by relatives are a friend, relative, stranger, or ex-boyfriend.

However, the risk does not end there, because when a teenage mother decides to have a baby, she can die, a tragedy that often happens. This sixth leading cause of death in national mortality in women aged 15 to 17.

The federal government seeks to eradicate these crimes by opening up public spaces and returning to classrooms (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
The federal government seeks to eradicate these crimes by opening up public spaces and returning to classrooms (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

On the other hand, in 2020, The third leading cause of death for boys and the sixth for girls aged 1 to 14 was homicide, with 146 and 120 recorded cases. While it was the leading cause of death among adolescent males between the ages of 15 and 17, with 961 deaths.

The report also assured that there was a record number in child and adolescent suicides in 2020, then were recorded when 1 150. This rate increased by 12% between 2019 and 2020.

The minors between 10 and 14 years old were the main affected By this situation. Cases have increased by 37%. while among teenage girls between 15 and 19, it increased by 12 percent.

Relative to this point, the suicidal thought among adolescents, since it went from 5.1% to 6.9% from 2018 to 2020. For its part, the suicidal behavior it fell from 3.9% to 6% over the same period.

Ultimately, 4,325 missing minors have been registered in Mexico, including 1,470 boys (33.99%) and 2,853 girls (65.97%). In addition, an increase has been observed in the disappearances of adolescent girls (15-17 years), presumably victims of trafficking.

In an attempt to reverse this situation, the federal government proposed actions to be taken immediately, such as the establishment of adisruption of coexistence and educational spaces; the back to class; open libraries and museums; all with a strengthening of preventive health measures.


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