Drowned Embrace | Page12


It is a tradition that every new President of Argentina and Brazil begins his mandate by visiting the President of the neighboring country. However, relations between the two countries really changed when Lula and Néstor Kirchner, newly elected, opened a new stage in the link between Argentina and Brazil.

US policy has always been trying to separate and contrast the three main countries of the continent: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. They have tried to make sure that the leaders and armed forces of Brazil and Argentina consider another country as their adversary and even as their main badumption of war.

Lula and Néstor have established fraternal relations and strategic alliances between the two countries, as part of the integration of Latin America. They were established as an axis from which Mercosur was strengthened and expanded, then Unasur and Celac were created.

Never have relations intensified so much, they have never been so cordial, fraternal, peaceful and encouraging of the governments of the continent. And the United States has never been so isolated from Latin America. Because countries that thrived, reduced social exclusion and promoted regional integration processes, had governments aware of national sovereignty and their contradictions with the North American government.

It is no coincidence that the hybrid strategy, the new North American strategy and the right of the continent, is initially focused directly on Argentina and Brazil, axis of the process. integration in Latin America. It is no coincidence that it is in these two countries that the most subordinate governments in Washington have emerged.

After breaking with the tradition of making his first international trip to Argentina – before traveling to Chile, the United States, Israel! -, Bolsonaro finally "dared" to go to Argentina to visit Mauricio Macri. At the time of the visit, the Brazilian president found that Argentina was much more deteriorated than a few months ago. Both are in very similar situations, but radically opposed to those found before Lula and Néstor, Cristina and Dilma.

After giving up the visit to New York, fearing, according to the same president of Brazil, to receive a cake in the face, he went to Buenos Aires. It is unclear who bears the image of the other. Because both countries are with their economies in recession, both with accelerated wear and tear in the support of the people, both without being able to show great achievement from their governments.

They are the most accomplished expression of what the Latin American right has to offer. They are governments of destruction: public heritage, workers' rights, social policies, the self-esteem of their peoples, the image of their countries in the world.

When they kissed at Casa Rosada, it was not the fraternal, happy and positive embrace between Néstor and Lula, between Cristina and Dilma. It's a hug from those who do not know if they will kiss again. A drowned hug, who wants to be able to help the other in times so difficult that they and their country live, because of themselves. But what they try the most is not to go even further together.

They know that what has been said and formed, the wind will prevail. Neither photos will be left. They will go down in history as a footnote, a negative moment in their countries and in relations between governments.

The Brazilian president has not been greeted with less hostility than New Yorkers have shown. The Argentine people, ready to withdraw Macri from the government, fully understand what Bolsonaro means. From the way he was elected only after a coup and the hybrid war, Lula prison without any evidence – without which he l & # 39; He would have won in the first round – and so he has received it. Knowing that there will be no meeting of Presidents Argentinian and Brazilian also repudiated by their people than that of both.


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