Drugs, alcohol and difficult romances: the B side that does not count the Luis Miguel series


He chose to re-expose his life on television to resurface, but that has consequences: more and more voices tell stories of his past. However, the public has once again fallen in love with its now vulnerable hero

The series of "Luis Miguel", which culminated 10 days ago his first successful season, was revealing even to the most fanatic of the singer Mexican, who could through the show that we can see on Netflix, uncover the unknown tracings and culebronescas that the divo had hidden: drugs, alcohol, financial scandals and the feeling that his mother was killed by his father were doing Part of the explosive badtail of the first 13 episodes for the second part, he could explore the story of the girl that he did not recognize and his most explosive novels.

The divo was long removed from the media scene, but his life was still surrounded by rumors of all kinds, some of which the series confirmed: but despite disclosing all sorts of intimate questions of Luismi's life , the romantic star took it upon himself to always go well, to be like the suffering and imperfect but sensitive and good hero …

Logically, it's a licensed bioserie, and although it's not the Singer who supervised the scripts, he followed the process closely, also based on a biography to which he had given his approval, and even came up with a cameo in the first episode.

Now, the revival of his career that has generated the series has, of course, his B side: biological parents, distant relatives and others Close friends are walking through the world's programs by denying this narrative who wants to install the series and show Luismi in another light, not at all heroic.

The most frequent accusations brought to the relationship of the divo with drugs and alcohol: the series hardly portrays this problematic relationship, and even slippages that were overcome by Luismi, who after s'. be drunk and throw a car into the sea with a fan inside, regretted his actions and understood or that everything has consequences.

This is an episode of the most pamphleteers of the series, where Luismi shows himself not only as a hero who crosses social clbades establishing a friendship at the top of his fame with a corporal with whom he trains to film "The Unconditional "(based on" Top Gun "), but" does the right thing ", apologizes for its impulsive action with the fan that almost drowns and seems to mature compared to its early onset. alcoholism.

However, the problem would never have been overcome by the Mexican star, who before beginning this revival canceled many concerts due, according to the organizers, to his dependence. And now that everyone wants to get on the Luismi train (which is why, first, it has sprung from the media scene), new stories have emerged about this problem.

"It was the year 1999. I do not remember it.Well the month, yes I remember it was hot.It came to Argentina singing and me, like many of you, I loved him unconditionally, "said Connie Ansaldi about his meeting with Luismi: the reporter was working on" PAF! "which resulted in an interview with singer Nerveux But he did not have the best impression of this meeting: "He does not eat, just drinks champagne." Luis Miguel was mutating over the hours and when he wanted to stop, he did not could not do it alone.Two of his badistants had to help him go to the bathroom.He fell down.He wanted to talk and he could not: he was babbling.The alcohol or who knows what had cost him life. "

The story comes weeks after Luismi's youngest brother, Sergio, broke the bridge with the star, who was in charge of his tutelage and was economy in minor: owner of a hectic life, the star has delegated responsibility to an badistant, who raised "Sergito" until, at a nuptial parry (apparently, the one that & # 39; He had with Mariah Carey) saw "something that he did not like" (presumably a toxic relationship with drugs) and decided to open it. Luismi, they say, did not send more money to support them.


During the weekend, Sandra Villarruel, the former lover of Luismi, added his version in front of Ansaldi: 18 years old, I had 23 years. Very nostalgic, he told me about his mother, who lived in Spain and had no news of her. Luis Miguel did not forgive that he abandoned them as well as his brother. With his father he was already very bad, he told me that he (Luis Rey) used it, he had a very bad time, "he recalls, as the series tells

Villarruel does not complain about Luismi in room 10 "), but revealed that he found it later in a hotel in Caracas and" it was already strange, you can say that He had started to use drugs, he was hard, sitting in an armchair and without emotion, he was another person. "

In fact, many speculate that his relationship with substances that Had to suspend concerts and a noticeable drop in its public image and its low production was the main cause of the economic crisis which led him to accept exposing his life on television. In 2016, business reporter Darío Celis revealed that Luis Miguel, who was then on sabbatical for three years, owed nearly 18 million dollars. And this time, of course, it was not the fault of Luisito Rey …

Several Mexican businessmen (including boxer Saúl Canelo Álvarez) then launched a rescue operation of the singer , each contributing up to 5 million Luismi had and allowed to cancel debts that he had with partners and representatives with whom he was in dispute.

But the problem remained how to reinstall the singer, still young (he is 48 today) but almost forgotten, reappearing There was a scandal: the idea of ​​creating a bioserie sprouted , which Luismi accepted when he realized that there were no other alternatives, although he had placed Miguel Aleman, a longtime friend and one of the leaders of the rescue operation, to check the information that would come to light in the audiovisual project.

The idea was successful and the Luismi clbadics are ringing today in the street, in cars, in discos and, more importantly, in Spotify, which reflects the current fury for the divo Mexican. But, of course, he puts on the table questions of his life: and although he tries to control information through his German friend, he can not silence others who lived the stories told in the series. ]

That is why, since the broadcast of the show, witnesses have shown that the story was not so true. Now, while in real life, Diego Boneta (who plays Luismi in the series) and Camila Sodi (who plays one of his great loves, Erika) seem to start a romance that copies fiction, revelations that even this romance does not would not be as perfect as Netflix.

The speaker was Julieta Ortega, friend of Erika Camil (artist Issabela): "My friend suffered a lot because she did not show him, in fact there is no pictures together. "Accompanying a man for seven years and not leaving … he came to Argentina and I asked him:" What did you see? ", and he told me:" The Sheraton "I asked him if he did not go out and he told me that he was going into the kitchen and that he was not seeing anything.The situation was very sad, she was much suffered, "said Julieta.

Although the actress eventually confessed a feeling that everyone shares today: Ortega said that for a long time she did not like the singer what she suffered, but that knowing her story through the series, today she looks at him with different eyes. "What happens to us who have seen the series, it's that we like it s, because poor, no more suffering could not have in his life. I did not know the details, I saw them now. "

It is the effect that was looking for the environment of the divo: the series has its risks, yes, and exposes the singer again, but at the same time, the general public returns Falling in love of this romantic hero and, now, vulnerable and sensitive, above, now even cries and gets angry during concerts …

"Do not eat, just drink champagne", Connie Ansaldi told his meeting with Luis Miguel [19659003]

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