Drunk asked an Uber to hurt a bird to go to the vet | Chronic


A man found a baby bird and called the workers at the North Utah Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (WRCNU) to save him, but he apologized saying that he had took too much alcoholic beverages to take him, which Uber asked him to move him.

Apparently he had fallen from the nest and his life was in danger because of the wounds that had made him fall. In addition, it could be eaten by a pet or die of cold in the isolated streets.

After an hour, the driver of a car allowed Uber to deliver the bird to the veterinary care center, explained in detail the local workers, who rented it out. attitude of the man who, although being drunk, acted well. save that little animal that would surely be dead.

The director of the center, Dalyn Marthaler, said the bird was nicknamed "Petey" and that it arrived slim and showed signs of dehydration. In a few weeks he will be released in the desert of Utah.

They made "orthopedic shoes" for a bird

In another story, a few weeks ago, the California Wildlife Center team rescued a defenseless bird with deformed legs. He could not walk properly or have the strength to grab objects.

Without thinking too much, they decided to act. The staff made small "orthopedic shoes" that would help the bird to walk. A kind of improvised plaster to correct the legs of the bird.

Through the intervention of this group of caring people, after their treatment, the bird could come back to walk around and fly in the medium term.


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