Drunk fish "went to drink" and finished dead | Chronic


The fire in a famous whiskey factory in the United States caused a real ecological disaster.

The contents of nearly 45,000 barrels of bourbon destroyed during the incident were found in the waters of the Kentucky River, ending in the deaths of thousands of fish.

The fire was declared on July 3 in a warehouse of the company Jim Beam, located in the city of Versailles.

The presence of alcohol reduced the level of oxygen in the water, causing the death of the fish.

The raft of corpses and whiskey, a length of 28 kilometers, flows into the Ohio River. The authorities propose to saturate the water with oxygen in the water courses affected by aeration devices.

The @JimBeam The fire of a warehouse in Woodford Co will affect the Ky River. Please be careful when you are on the river. Discoloration, foam formation and odor are likely and low levels of oxygen could have serious consequences on aquatic life. We work with all parties to limit this impact. pic.twitter.com/UbomTv0HSW

– Kentucky EEC (@KentuckyEEC)
July 3, 2019

They let the fire go out so as not to contaminate a river near the cellars

A standard barrel typically produces 150 to 200 750-milliliter bottles. Prices for a standard Jim Beam bottle vary, but an estimate of $ 18 per bottle would mean that the fire caused about $ 122 to $ 162 million of the US currency.

As the barrels contain younger whiskey, the losses should be less important.

The fire remained active for 8 hours until its extinction, because extinguishing it with pipes could cause contamination of a nearby river feeding a drinking water production plant, explained Chandler.


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