Due to a closed bacteria a beach in Uruguay


Health authorities have banned swimming in La Mansa for dangerous green algae.

On Wednesday, Punta del Este's health authorities banned tourists from swimming in La Mansa. The reason: the beach has been invaded by green algae, called cyanobacteria, which can seriously affect health. The sanitary flag, red with a green cross, which floated above the house of the guardian of the beach, La Mansa, surprised all the tourists. Although the measure was lifted on Thursday, the authorities asked for maximum caution.

The director of the environment of Maldonado Town Hall, Betty Molina, explained that the lifting of the measure is not final. "We will continue to monitor the waters constantly because, as there are still green areas in the Río de la Plata, different parts (…) could move and reach again."

Molina explained that the reduction of green algae on Thursday was due to a change in climate. "A cold current is coming in, coming from the south and changing water conditions, which no longer favors the development of these cyanobacteria that breed in very hot waters," he said.

Finally, the authorities urged tourists not to bathe in places where there are green fluorescent dots in the water.


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