Due to a strange climatic phenomenon, they found a ship that had sunk 130 years ago | the Chronicle


Missouri River Downpipe in North Dakota State Made History Present After the Ship Appeared “Abner O’Neal”, What sank in 1892 carrying 9,000 bushels of wheat along this river route, according to the State Historical Society of said American region.

The aerial images were taken in October 2020 after receiving a notification from the boating public. about watching the boat. Subsequently, an owner of the adjacent territory gave the necessary consent to access the wreckage site.

Notably, the ship Abner O’Neal struck a rock and sank in 1892 while carrying 9,000 bushels of wheat from the town of Washburn to the Mandan Roller Mill.

Now the remains of the structure have become visible, due to the prolonged drought in the state, as archaeologists told local media. During these times, the discharge of water from the Harrison Dam to the Missouri River is reduced, which lowers the water level.

This is what the ship looked like in the 19th century (Archives).

“It is a public good and a protected historic place, so it is important to only take pictures and show respect when visiting”, comments the archaeologist Andrew Clark.


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