Due to coronavirus, China will overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy in 2028, five years ahead of schedule


China will overtake the United States become the world’s largest economy in 2028, five years earlier than expected, due to contrast of the exit of the two countries from the pandemic coronavirussaid a group of experts.

“For some time now, a dominant theme in the world economy has been the economic struggle between the United States and China,” said Center for Economic and Commercial Research (CEBR, for its acronym in English) in an annual report released on Saturday.

“The pandemic of Covid-19 and the corresponding economic consequences certainly tilted this rivalry in favor of China“, He added.

The CEBR noted that China’s “Skillful Handling of the Pandemic”, With Its Rapid Lockdown Measures, and the Virus’s Impact on Long-Term Growth in the West, meant that China’s relative economic performance had improved.

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It was announced by the Minister of Health of this country, Mikhail Murashko. Until now, its use has been limited to people between the ages of 18 and 60. Argentina received the first shipment of doses on Thursday.

China seems to be heading towards grow on average by 5.7% per year between 2021 and 2025 before slowing to 4.5% per year between 2026 and 2030.

While the United States is expected to experience a strong post-pandemic rebound in 2021, its growth would slow to 1.9% per year between 2022 and 2024, then to 1.6%.

Japan would remain the third largest economy in the world, in dollars, until the beginning of the 2030s, when it would be overtaken by India, which would also move Germany from fourth to fifth place.

The UK, currently the fifth-largest economy according to the CEBR measure, would drop to sixth place from 2024.


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