Due to demand from exporters, activity in the Rosario grain market rebounded


The activity on the grain market of the Rosario Stock Exchange recorded a rebound compared to last Friday, with more soybean operations available, active demand from the export sector and an increase in open corn values ​​with immediate delivery and concentrated demand in the next wheat crop.

In the case of soybeans, the open supply of plants was $ 220 per tonne for contract deliveries; and, for download, the offer was U $ s217. In Monday's wheel, the export value for corn was $ 6,500 a tonne. $ 200 above the wheel on Friday.

For contract deliveries, the open bid was set at USD 140 per tonne, showing an improvement of USD 5. In the negotiations segment before, the prices were 140 USD per ton in June, s135 $ for July / August, s137 $ for September, s139 $ for October, s140 $ for November and s141 $ for December.

For the new harvest, open values ​​showed improvements of the order of five dollars, remaining at $ 150 per ton for shipments between March and May next year and $ 145 for downloads between June and August 2020.

For wheat, exporting firms offered an expenditure of $ 185 per tonne, five dollars more than in the last wheel. In the futures segment, the value proposed for deliveries in June was USD 175 per tonne and USD 170 for the July discharge (recording an improvement of USD 5).

For the new crop, open values ​​showed losses compared to the last session. Offers were $ 155 per ton for the November / December discharge, $ 160 for January, $ 163 for February and $ 167 for March.


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