Due to price increases, the sale of super naphtha develops and the Premium one drops


The increase in fuel prices of more than 20% since the beginning of the year has changed the consumption habits of motorists, who have begun to give up the quality of the fuels provided to their vehicles by the end of the year. This is cautioned by a study by the Confederation of Hydrocarbons Trade Entities of the Argentine Republic (CECHA), which indicates that in the case of naphtha, the trend of increasing demand for the product Premium has halted in relation to the steady progress that he has demonstrated.

"Assuming that in May 2018 there was no retraction of deliveries of these products to service stations, it can be badumed that some of the public may return to the consumption of naphtha. Grade 2 (Super) at the expense of the 3rd year, "says the document.

The institution The business organization points out that in May 2017 the volume of Premium marketed to the public was 219 946 m3 vs. May 2018 225 008 m3.On the other hand, the Super rose in the same period from 482,332 m3 to 493,389 m3.Analyzed this situation, it is detected that in May 2018 the The increase in grade 2 gasoline exceeds that of category 3, a context that has not been given since April 2017. Example: in April 2017, the increase NG3 was 0.16% and NG2 was 4.11, as of this month, the average increase of NG3 was between 10 and 15 percent and that of NG2 between 3 and 4. "This indi that that in May 2018 there is a sharp deceleration in the consumption of NG3 vs. NG2 ", notes the report

Regarding the Grade 2 and Grade 3 Gasoil the monthly evolution of sales continues downhill for Gasoil G2 (-11.08) and increasing for Gasoil G3 (11.18). " Now, adding the two products marketed during the month of May 2017 (646 264 m3) against the month of May 2018 (619 279 m3) results in an alarming decline in sales of the two consolidated products of 26 985 m3, a decrease of -4.18% ", according to the CECHA

a percentage increase was recorded in the sector of agriculture and transport, or 1.36 %, " which clearly indicates that part of this continued increase comes from liters migrating from outlets to the wholesale sector, a subject definitely claimed by this Confederation ", concludes L & # 39; survey of contractors.

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