Due to service outages, $ 502 million fines are imposed on Edenor and Edesur


Electricity distributors Edenor and Edesur will be fined for $ 503 million . This is for the penalties imposed on them by the regulator (ENRE) for violations in quality guidelines service


Measure is from September 2017 to February 2018. There are $ premiums. 367 million will be "immediate" taxation, that is to say that customers will receive them as credits in their bills.

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The total fines are 503 million dollars. At the 367 million dollars of the 43rd semester of the concession (September 2017 / February 2018) add damages for the "extraordinary effects" of the 42nd semester (February 2017 / August 2017).

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"On the basis of the complete tariff revision (ITR) conducted for the period 2017-2021, the ENRE has established new control procedures to badess quality of service, "the regulator reported. In its review, ENRE found that Edoror and Edesur had both failed. "The body has established a quality regime consistent with the technical and economic opportunities of companies, in order to recover the quality levels provided in the concession contracts," they said.

The fine for Edesur was 310 million dollars while Edenor's account reached 192 million dollars . The distributor of half of the city and southern conurbano will have to pay $ 167 million for a deficiency in the quality of technical service, while Edenor will receive $ 83 million in this section.

The quality of Edesur's commercial service has also been further sanctioned, with compensation of $ 89.2 million in this regard, compared to nearly $ 18 million that will affect Edenor.

The "extraordinary effect" has more affected Edenor, with $ 87 million, against $ 49 million that affected Edesur

Technical quality measures the level of tension between the refueling point and the "disturbances". The commercial quality takes into account the times used to respond to connection requests, estimated billing, errors in invoices and undue suspension of supply.


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