Due to the American veto, Facebook will no longer allow Huawei to have Instagram and WhatsApp.


If something was missing at Huawei, after Google suspended its activities with the Chinese mobile phone company, it is that Facebook, the company Mark Zuckerberg, announced that the social network gathering the biggest users of the world will appear more on the smartphone of the said mark after the government Donald Trump It will include Chinese society on a commercial blacklist.

In this way, Huawei mobile phones will stop leaving the factory with pre-installed Facebook applications – including Instagram and WhatsApp – in response to the measures taken by the United States against the company as part of the trade war with China .

Users of these phones will be able to download the app as long as the company will continue to have access to the Google Play store. The measure, which is another blow to the technology giant, will be in force during the review of sanctions introduced by the United States.

"We are reviewing the Commerce's final regulations and the latest general license issued temporarily and we are taking steps to ensure compliance," said a spokesman for Facebook.

And he added that Huawei users who have already installed the social network application on their phone can continue to use it without problems and can even download updates, according to the CNN news network, until that time. that the Google Play store stops working.

This announcement comes as the commercial battle between the US and China intensifies, competing for the global leadership of phones with 5G technology. Last month, the US Department of Commerce banned local companies from selling their technology to Huawei and other Chinese companies without government approval.

For this reason, Google has suspended all transfers of products, whether software or hardware. The decision excluded all open source platforms, that is, free and free.

So, when Google launches the next version of Android, with which they work, at the end of the year, it may be that it is not available on Huawei devices. In addition, future versions of their mobile phones will not be able to rely on popular apps and services such as YouTube or Maps, new integrated apps at the Google Play store, or Gmail email.

Washington is pushing for Huawei, the world's largest equipment provider and the second largest smartphone maker, to be excluded from the market. The argument is that Beijing could use the company's devices for cyber espionage.


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