Due to the devaluation, the arrival of foreign tourists has reached its record in the last 10 years


The devaluation weight has accelerated the arrival of the tourists from abroad In the last year, they have arrived in the country more than 3 million visitors, which implies an increase of almost 18% year-on-yearand what sets a record in the last ten years.

A total of 240,900 foreign tourists arrived in August, which resulted in an annual increase of 6%, while 347,700 residents traveled abroad, up 3.7%, despite the rising dollar, according to data released Thursday by the Indec.

During the first eight months of the year, tourists arriving from abroad have reached 2,031,200which meant an increase of 17.6% interannuellement. Tourist arrivals Brazilians in August, through the airports of Ezeiza and Aeroparque, they rose to 85,800this represents an increase of 9.7% from one year to the next.

He was followed by 38,700 Arrivals in Europe, which have increased 5.6% interannual, and 35,700 tourist arrivals from the group of countries that make up the "Rest of America", which has increased 5.6%, in the same comparison. In the remaining airports, the inflow of inbound tourism increased by 16.8% compared with the same month of 2018, with the main sending countries being Brazil, Chile and the "Rest of the World" group of countries. America".

By extending the analysis to a full year, the numbers show that they have entered the country – just by air – 3,064,000 foreign tourists, which represents an increase in 17.6% internally, according to economist Santiago Manoukian. According to Manoukian, this is the highest figure since 2010.

On the other hand, the number of outings of residents abroad, between January and August of this year, was high at 2,800,900, with a year-to-year decline 14.3%. In the comparison between August and July, inbound tourism declined 7.9%, while the issue has increased 11.5%.

Tourists residing in the country, who traveled abroad from Ezeiza and Jorge Newbery airports, did so in a 27.6% to Europe, the 23.8% traveled to the United States and Canada, another 17.9% in Brazil and 17.4% To the rest of America.


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