Due to the failure of the agreement with Mauricio Macri, layoffs are coming to the IMF


Due to the failure of the agreement of the country's authorities International Monetary Fund with the government ofand Mauricio Macri, Significant layoffs are coming to the IMF.

Who would be ejected? Alejandro Werner and Roberto Cardarelli. "The information circulates among the leaders of local and international banks," confirmed the journalist Marcelo Bonelli in his column in the newspaper Clarin

Werner is currently the Fund's Western Hemisphere Director and Senior Technical Officer for the agreement between the IMF and Casa Rosada. "They question it because Argentina has not respected the agreement three times and the agency has turned a blind eye. Now, the agreement has practically fallen, "said the morning.

Bonelli states that "Werner technically instructed only the orders issued by the US Treasury Extraordinary aid and assistance to Mauricio Macri came from a political decision of the White House, but Donald Trump will not pay this political cost Christine Lagarde does not ".

"In the IMF, the climate is bad for Argentina and the United States. directors – all Europeans – want "heads". In the IMF, it is customary for bureaucrats to pay for mistakes: in this case, it would be Werner, "he adds.

And Cardarelli would also fall in favor. Who is it? The Italian IMF economist is responsible for auditing the government's public accounts, as part of what is called Article IV of the agency's scheme.

"On Wall Street, they say the move would not be brutal and time consuming, it would be presented as a reorganization of Kristalina Georgieva, Werner would have a destination: he would go to the Basel Adjustment Bank. influential Mexican Agustín Carstens, "he concludes. .


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