Due to the rising dollar and higher production costs, oil companies limit the delivery of naphtha through quotas and price premiums


Axion and Shell have begun to define different strategies for the loss of profitability. From the gas stations, they make sure to apply a quota system or charge extra for every liter that they are trying to buy above average. In this scenario, YPF gains market share

The problem started to be generated less than two months ago. The major oil companies operating in Argentina saw how, in a few weeks, the scenario changed dramatically, with the outbreak of the dollar and the rise in the price of a barrel of oil. crude .

All this led to the increase production costs of these companies.

According to different professional sources, among the executives of Shell, Axion – belonging to the Bulgheroni family, and even Puma and Refinor predominates. opinion that the naphthas should cost 25% more

The strategy chosen by the companies to deal with this change of equation consists, for the sake of l '. instant, to try d to delay the sale of ] fuels .

In what way? At the beginning of June, we can see how they cut delivery to wholesalers who, in turn, provide unbleached service stations – called "whites" -.

However, far from being encapsulated, this situation also began to affect flag stations, by the application of contingents or additional payments for gasoline orders that exceed certain levels above.

The scope of these maneuvers was confirmed in iProfesional by representatives of CECHA, the confederation which brings together the majority of entrepreneurs, the CECC – the Chamber of Fuel Contractors of Cordoba – and even, by sources related to the same oil companies.

As stated Carlos Gold owner of the CECHA, Axion slowed its pace of refinement, so it maintains a split delivery to its network. At the same time, the pace of supply has slowed down for regional distributors.

"Since the start of the claim for costs and at a higher price at the pump, Axion has stopped supplying as it did, it has also reduced refinery processing, and many stations who bought it "explained the businessman at iProfesional .

Gold argued that at present, to obtain the diesel that Axion ceased to deliver at the usual levels, wholesale distributors "for the general must pay much more and this results in an increase of fuel which then pbades to the pump especially in certain places of the interior. "

The policy of Shell
Of CECHA and Cordoban CECC, meanwhile, noted that in recent weeks, the oil company Shell established a monthly quota for the supply of diesel to much of the charge an "extra" for anyone who asks for more liters than the number established.

"The addition is up to a 20% of that usually costs a liter.The paper maker has no choice but to transfer it to the price This is why so many variations in the values ​​are also seen " says Gold.

In dialogue with this media, Raúl Castellano explains that "Shell sets certain quotas according to the usual volumes of each service station, in this way it controls the quantity of oil that it has to refine."

"Axion and Shell try to treat as little as possible because today is not as profitable .The situation of the network is complicated, but the white is the worst happening, "he told iProfesional .

This segment comprises more than 600 stations, The most complicated outlets for this change in commercial policy are concentrated mainly in the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Buenos Aires

"If a papermaker wants to buy fuel above what was sold on average last time, then will have to pay a differential price," he told iProfesional a source of

"There is no shortage of papermakers to collect and, from there, speculate with value in the face of future increases.It is not bad that Shell does not lend itself to this game and does not bill No more for this extra fuel.If a gas station doubles its order from month to month, this represents a speculative maneuver rather than an increase in sales, "he added.

Of a total of 680 service stations operating under its flag, about 60 are directly owned by the petroleum company

At these points, the marketing of naphtha is below the reference prices that Shell reports each time. There are increases, the rest only works with prices by the oil company, so that every salesman can set the value to the table at will

On his side, Gold pointed out that Axion he also does not produce gasoline at the rate that she had held before the dollar's break in early May.

The businessman said that the company "restricts deliveries and distribution" without giving any concrete explanation

"At one point, we can understand the maneuver of these big companies, because the barrel of oil has increased much in comparison with the movement of gasoline.In October of 2017, it costs on average 1000 pesos. Today, it oscillates between 2 000 and 2 100. And the reality is that in this period of time, the fuel has not increased by 100%. Oil companies do not want to lose money, "he said.

In the complicated scenario of papermakers, nobody denies among the companies of the sector figure in particular the big winner terms of the marketing of fuels and, even, the l & # 39; picture from the same dealers: YPF.

It turns out that your network only sells with reference prices and, because of restrictions support their competitors, unattended application for the Shortage suffered by other brand service stations began to be channeled to the state sales outlets.

Starting in June, YPF stations began proving a sustained increase in sales volumes.

"What Axion or Shell does not sell now is covered by YPF," confirmed a market badyst, strictly speaking. The gold, from CECHA, echoed these words: "YPF has imposed no quota, it sets a standard price and continues to refine at a good pace . that is why the company experienced a jump in its market share throughout the country. "

In the sector, there is already talk of an increase in the minus three points If it were confirmed, would bring to 58% the state company's market share in the fuel sector.

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