Due to their open neckline and tight jeans, they did not let a student’s mother enter school | the Chronicle


A special situation was experienced in a school in the Colombian city of Barranquilla, where a woman could not enter the institution with her son, because the authorities of the same considered that her open neckline was not the right outfit for the place.

The event, which happened a few days ago, had as its protagonist Cristian Caviedes, who attended the school (Institución Educativa Técnico Industrial) where his son studied and did not let his wife pass (Isabelle castro) by the way they dress. The father considered that the point presented by the president of the association of parents of pupils about clothing was “unusual”, which prevented the mother of the pupil from entering the school.

“He approached my wife and told her that she couldn’t come into the facility dressed like this, as seen in the video. So we say to ourselves ‘how’s that ?!’. And it tells us that in the Coexistence Manual it indicates the protocol for dressing, but we review the manual and it doesn’t say anything “, Cristian told local media “The weather”. The young man’s mother had normal clothes: a White t-shirt with low cut and tight jeans to your hips and legs.

The controversy took off after Cristian posted the institution’s situation online on social media. The 31-year-old man from Bogotá assured that with other parents, they had gone to review the biosecurity protocols implemented in the fight against Covid-19 and in the attempt, they were intercepted because of the clothes of his wife, Castro. It should be noted that the son is in the ninth grade and started classes in person.

Caviedes continued the explanation by commenting that his wife works on social media and before going to school he went to shoot a video he needed “The clothes she wore and also the makeup.” “I think the makeup had an impact on the lady, seeing her, but in reality nothing is happening.”

Before it passed to the adults, with the permission and help of the campus coordinator, they managed to gain access to the facility despite the issues raised by the parents’ association regarding the dress. Isabel Castro’s clothing, “Or I start to think of all these ladies who are suffering from this sort of thing, right now, for example, in Afghanistan, and I say ‘this lady, how does she expect us to go then?'” Cristian concludes.

The particular cleavage of the Colombian (Video capture).


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