Duel of music concerts | Support of Dilma Rous …


Venezuela had a day of high tension yesterday. On both sides of the Táchira River, President Nicolás Maduro on one side and the opponent and self-proclaimed President Juan Guaidó on the other reunited their supporters at two simultaneous concerts. The Venezuela Aid Live, organized by billionaire Richard Branson, brought together some thirty artists in order to support the humanitarian aid requested by Guaidó and that several countries, including the United States, sent to the Colombian border. The Off Hands, by contrast, was organized by Maduro with the intention of denouncing international interference in the internal political conflict.

In the late afternoon and in front of more than a thousand Chavism supporters, the "Concert for Peace" kicked off yesterday at Tienditas' binational bridge. With slogans such as: "For war, nothing", the Venezuelan group Yugular took the stage accompanied by dozens of uniforms and members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB). At the concert, which will last three days, several local artists will participate, such as Omar Enrique, Chicas del Can and Maira Castellanos.

Simultaneously and on the other side of the bridge, thousands of supporters of the Venezuelan opposition gathered around the scene inaugurated by the artist Reymar Perdomo. With the song "I left", Perdomo unleashed euphoria among those present who chanted the song considered the hymn of Venezuelan indignation. The artist, who left the country several years ago, said: "Thank you for making this song the hymn of Venezuelan immigration. Long live Venezuela!" At the end of his presentation, Branson took the floor and recalled that the proposal was aimed at raising funds to solve the Venezuelan crisis. "Hello Cúcuta, I'm excited to be here, I'm delighted that today they came to celebrate the people of Venezuela, so if we can take people into space, why is it so difficult to go out? the people of poverty, "said the British tycoon, next to him was Guaidó, who arrived Thursday night at the Colombian border with opposition MPs, and in the opposition concert several artists are expected. Among them were Carlos Vives, Juan Luis Guerra and Alejandro Sanz, and international political figures such as Colombian leader Iván Duque, his Chilean counterpart Sebastián Piñera and his Paraguayan counterpart Mario Abdo Benítez also participated in the event. more cruel than to deny your own people access to the humanitarian aid that the friendly countries of Venezuela are willing to give you, "said Piñera, who arrived in Colombia Before the concert, the Chilean President also explained that he had traveled on a plane carrying nine tons of humanitarian aid, among which he had put forward kits for the hygiene of children, medicines and food.

In support of Maduro, however, the Russian government, former president Dilma Rousseff and the current Bolivian president, Evo Morales, have come out publicly. The Russian administration and the Bolivian president agreed to denounce the fact that humanitarian aid on which Guaidó insists to enter Venezuela was a pretext for invading the country. "We regret that humanitarian aid wants to be used as a" Trojan horse "in Venezuela to invade and provoke a war," the Bolivian leader wrote in his Twitter account, calling on Latin American leaders not to to be complicit in a military intervention. "To defend Venezuela is to defend the sovereignty of Latin America," he said. The Brazilian President for her part denounced the imminent threat of President Donald Trump to enter Venezuela at any cost and also accused the current President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, of having aligned himself with the interests of the United States. "Brazil is lowering its head and submitting to the US government's interest in usufructing Venezuelan oil, and agrees to bring to our continent an armed conflict contrary to all our principles of non-intervention and respect for the sovereignty of nations "that the position of the Government of Bolsonaro will have serious consequences. "The government of Bolsonaro rejects the respect won by Brazil as a nation defending peace, multilateralism and respect for the sovereignty of all peoples," he said.


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